Why Hello .9. (4.6k Words)

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As you hold onto Frisk's hand, you both make your way out of the ruins and into the serene yet chilly forest. You take one last look back at Toriel and wave goodbye before turning your attention back to the path in front of you. The snow crunches under your feet, and you can feel the cold nipping at your face. As you make your way down the path, you notice the snow-covered trees towering above you, creating a mystical and somewhat eerie atmosphere. Despite the cold and unfamiliar setting, you continue you forward.

As you continue on your journey, you eventually come across what appears to be a bridge. The bars of the bridge are spaced widely apart, making it seem as though it would not be much of a challenge to cross. However, you can't help but feel a bit uneasy at the sight of it. You instruct Frisk to lead the way across the bridge while you follow closely behind. But just as you are about to step onto the bridge, you hear the sound of footsteps approaching from behind. You freeze in place, unable to bring yourself to turn around and face whatever or whoever is making its way towards you. The footsteps come closer and closer until finally, a voice that sounds oddly familiar speaks up.

"H u m a n. Don't you know how to greet a new pal? Turn around and shake my hand." It's not a friendly tone, but it's not exactly threatening either. It's more like a strange mixture of both, sending shivers down your spine. However, you feel compelled to obey and turn around, holding out your hand as instructed. 

Before you can even process what's happening, the voice grabs your hand and you feel a strange sensation. It's not a handshake, but it's not a touch either. Suddenly, you hear a fart sound coming from between both your hands, and you can't help but let out a laugh at the absurdity of it all.  However, your laughter is short-lived as you start to focus on the person's hand you are holding. It's not a hand at all, but a bony, skeletal structure. The realization sends chills down your spine, and you start to look up to see who or what you are dealing with.

"heheh... the old whoopee cushion in the hand trick. it's ALWAYS funny." As you lifted your gaze, you were taken aback to find a skeletal figure standing right in front of you. He stood a little taller than you and was surprisingly bulky for a skeleton. You couldn't help but notice the wide, toothy grin stretched on his face, which sent shivers down your spine. He had dressed himself in a blue hoodie that covered most of his body, but you could see a white t-shirt underneath. On his lower half, he wore black shorts with white stripes running down the sides, and he wore a pair of fuzzy pink slippers with socks. The overall look was both confusing and amusing, leaving you unsure of how to react. All you could seem to do was nod.

"anyways, you're a human, right?" As he spoke, he shoved his hands deep into his pockets, a gesture that seemed to betray some hidden discomfort or nervousness. Despite his apparent unease, you found yourself unable to respond with anything more than a silent nod, your own thoughts and feelings still swirling within you like a tempestuous storm. Though you longed to express yourself and engage with him more fully, the words just wouldn't come, leaving you feeling frustrated and uncertain you felt like you knew him. "that's hilarious. i'm sans. sans the skeleton." At that, you felt yourself come back to reality.

"Well, I'm Y/N. Y/N the human" You say with a stifled giggle you felt like you had to but when you did Sans's eyes or eyesockets per se widened at that which made you a bit confused but you decided to continue. "It's a pleasure to meet you Sans! I hope that we can become friends." You wore your best smile while genuinely expressing your interest in the skeleton.

"it's a pleasure to meet you too Y/N, who's the kid standing behind you." As you listened to him speak, you noticed that although he phrased it as a question, there was a certain tone in his voice that made it sound like he already knew the answer. You brushed away the thought, deeming it impossible for him to have any prior knowledge, before finally speaking up and responding to his question you grab Frisk's hand and pull them beside you.

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⏰ Last updated: May 13 ⏰

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