Goodbyes .8. (1.4k Words)

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As you lay in bed, you found yourself tossing and turning, unable to fall back asleep after making a trip to the bathroom in the middle of the night. Your body seemed to have different plans than your own for a good night's sleep, and you couldn't help but feel frustrated. You had been looking forward to waking up feeling refreshed and energized, but it seemed like that plan was slipping away.

Eventually, you decided to give up on sleep and get out of bed. You knew you had a lot to do today, with a trip through the underground on the horizon, so you started packing a bag of essentials. You made sure to include everything you might need for the journey, from snacks to extra clothes. As you packed, you couldn't help but feel a sense of excitement building inside you. Despite the rocky start to the night, you were eager to see what the day would bring. You knew that anything could happen on this journey, and that thought filled you with both excitement and a hint of nervousness.

Before you knew it, you had packed your bag and decided to get ready for the trip. You threw off your pajamas and went over to your vanity closet to grab some clothes. You found a pair of fluffy pants and a long-sleeved shirt that looked comfortable and warm, perfect for the journey ahead.

As you made your way to the vanity to start your morning routine, you couldn't help but notice a small, yet beautifully arranged, makeup kit resting next to a heart-warming note from Toriel. It was her way of wishing you well on your journey ahead. You picked up your hairbrush and began to gently detangle your hair, feeling the silky strands run through your fingers as you worked. 

Once your hair was smooth and knot-free, you admired how it shone in the soft morning light. Deciding to let it down for the day, you carefully styled it in a way that complemented your features before reaching for the makeup kit. As you opened it, you were met with an array of colors and textures that seemed to be tailored just for you. With precision and care, you applied each product, ensuring that you looked as stunning as possible for the day ahead.

You stand in front of the vanity mirror, studying your reflection as you finish doing your makeup. You feel a sense of satisfaction that you managed to complete the task in a short span of time. Since you are not a pro at makeup, you decided to keep it simple and opt for a natural look. As you take a quick glance at yourself in the mirror, you can't help but break into a smile. You feel confident and good about yourself. However, your thoughts are interrupted by a gentle knock on the door. 

You call out 'Come in' before the doorknob starts to turn. You hear soft footsteps approaching you from behind before you feel a warm embrace from Frisk as they wrap their arms around you and rest their head on your shoulder. They tell you how they woke up ten minutes ago and have already packed their bag and got themselves ready for the trip. You're feeling really happy and excited about the journey ahead, and knowing that Frisk is equally eager to embark on this adventure with you makes it ten times more exciting!

As you rise from the cushioned stool in front of the vanity, you reach for the compact bag that you had previously prepared and effortlessly hoist it onto your back. Your gaze then shifts towards Frisk, who is patiently waiting nearby, and you turn towards them with a determined expression.

"Are you ready for this Frisk?"Upon asking a question, you notice Frisk's eyes light up with excitement as they eagerly nod their head in response.

"Alright!" As you extend your hand towards Frisk, you see their eyes widen in anticipation. As soon as Frisk notices your gesture, they quickly move towards you and tightly grasp your hand. Your hand feels warm and reassuring in Frisk's grip, a big smile spreads across Frisk's face.

"Let's get going!" As you and Frisk make your way out of your cozy room, you can't help but feel excited for the days ahead. As you enter the dining/living room, you notice Toriel waiting patiently for you at the table. She's holding a couple of small clip-on pouches which seem to be filled with some sort of goodies. You return her warm smile before taking a seat across from her, closely followed by Frisk. 

"My children" She greets you with a warm and welcoming smile. She extends her hands towards you, and you instinctively reach out to grasp them. You can feel the softness of her fur against your skin, her grip gentle, yet firm. It's a comforting gesture that makes you feel instantly at ease in her presence. "I know you both are going to be gone for quite some time, and the next town over is quite the walk, so I packed you both some food for along the way. More than enough for the two of you to make it to Snowdin!"

You must have had a confused expression when she mentioned Snowdin because she continued to speak without pause. "Snowdin is a town located in the Underground, which is home to numerous monsters. I have created a map of the Underground to the best of my abilities, but it has been quite a while since I have left the ruins. Therefore, I am not entirely sure how accurate the map is, and I apologize if it is not much help. However, I believe that Snowdin is the next town over from here." She finally allows herself to rest, with a smile planted on her face.

"I cannot express how grateful Frisk and I are for all the kindness and support you have shown us during our stay in your home. Your hospitality has been beyond measure, and we both feel truly fortunate to have met such an incredible woman as yourself. I wanted to thank you from the bottom of my heart. Your generosity, warmth, and compassion have made a significant impact on us, and we will always remember the time we spent with you fondly. I look forward to the day we can return and catch up on all that has happened since our departure. Thank you again for everything." You feel the tears start to well in your eyes. 

As if sensing your distress, Toriel rises from her chair and approaches you and Frisk. She envelops both of you in a warm embrace, her motherly arms providing a sense of comfort and safety. You feel a sense of relief as you cry into her shoulder, thankful for her kind and understanding presence. Frisk too seems to be comforted by Toriel's embrace, and the three of you stand there for a few moments, lost in a shared moment of solace.

After spending some quality time chatting with Toriel, the three of you realized that it was time to part ways. She led the two of you down the stairs to the long hallway that led over to the giant stone door that you and Frisk were about to go through. As you approached the door, Toriel turned around and opened her arms for one last embrace. You and Frisk went running right into her warm embrace and hugged her for a while. It was a moment of pure love and affection, and no words were needed.

After that sweet exchange, Toriel opened the door for you two. As she did so, a bright white light shone in your eyes, making you close them for a moment before adjusting to the new brightness. Once you had opened your eyes, you looked out and saw what seemed to be a snowy forest. You couldn't help but wonder how it was possible for it to snow in the underground, but then you remembered that monsters contained magic. Of course, snow was possible in the underground. It was a beautiful sight to behold, and you couldn't wait to explore this new 'world'.

I would like to end this chapter here because it would make more sense for the next chapter to start with their journey to Snowdin. This will help with the flow of the story and make a better title. lol. Although this chapter is shorter than the previous ones, the next chapter will be more exciting and longer so you will forget about the length of this shit chapter. In the end, everyone will be happy.      :)

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