Training .7. (2.3k Words)

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As you make your way up the stairs, your heart starts to race with anticipation. You know that Frisk and Toriel are waiting for you in the living room, ready to start the day's training. Frisk is there to observe and see how you progress, which adds to the pressure. 

You enter the living room and find Frisk and Toriel waiting patiently for you. You exchange warm smiles with them and inform Toriel that you are ready to begin. She nods and gives you a small smile before leading you both out of the house and onto the front lawn. 

The same spot where you trained yesterday is where you'd be practicing again today. Frisk makes their way to the wall, sitting back against it, facing the area where you and Toriel stand. You take a deep breath and feel the cavern breeze on your skin. 

The silence is broken as Toriel starts to give you instructions for today's training.

"Today, my dear, we will continue with your training. We'll start with reviewing what you learned yesterday and then move on to learning some more moves. I'm really excited to see how well you'll do today!" Toriel says with enthusiasm. "Shall we start by getting into position and beginning the review of yesterday's lesson? We'll take it step by step, to ensure you fully understand everything before we move on to the new techniques."

You give a respectful nod to Toriel, your mentor and guide in the art of self-defense. You take a few steps back, preparing your stance and lowering your body, planting your feet firmly on the ground. Toriel had always cautioned against the use of weapons, citing their potential for harm and danger. Instead, she had taught you how to fight without them, emphasizing the importance of apprehension, evasion, and peaceful resolution. You were grateful for this approach, as you had never truly desired to harm anyone, even in the most critical of situations. In fact, you doubted your ability to inflict harm, even if it was a matter of life or death. But you trusted Toriel's teachings and were determined to master this art of non-violent self-defense.

As soon as Toriel let out a hum, you knew it was time for her to attack. With a nod, you braced yourself for what was to come. Suddenly, fireballs of all colors started flying toward you, and Toriel moved around, giving herself more space to launch her attacks. You did your best to anticipate and dodge the fireballs, but it was difficult. The first fireball came at you fast, and you quickly jumped to the left to avoid it. However, to your surprise, the second fireball was right behind it, making it nearly impossible to dodge. You could feel the heat of the flames as they grazed past you, narrowly missing your head. You let out a heavy sigh of relief and tried to steady yourself, knowing that the next attack could be just as deadly.

As you slowly make your way towards Toriel, you can feel the heat of the fireballs as they narrowly miss you, making your heart race with fear. You quickly shift your body weight to the right and duck your head down just in time to dodge another fireball. As you regain your balance, you focus your attention back on Toriel and start running towards her, moving nimbly and gracefully, avoiding the fireballs with ease. You glance down at your purple soul, which glows brightly with every move you make, filling you with a sense of pride and accomplishment. Despite the difficulty of this challenge, you have made it this far, and you can't help but smile at the thought of your success. Your attention is quickly drawn back to Toriel, who stands before you with a warm smile, her eyes filled with pride and admiration.

As you trained alongside Toriel, Frisk's voice echoed in the background, cheering you on with every move you made. Their unwavering support and words of encouragement gave you a sense of purpose and determination, reminding you of the reason why you were training in the first place. However, despite Frisk's encouragement, the task at hand was no easy feat. Toriel's fireballs were coming at you fast and you stumbled many times trying to dodge them. But you kept at it, determined to succeed. 

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