-Something's Off- .1. (1.3k Words)

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You were feeling a mix of exhaustion and excitement as you rode your bike home from work. The day had been long and tiring, but the thought of seeing Frisk once you got home was keeping you going. You pedaled your way down the road, taking in the sights and sounds of the city around you.

The traffic was heavy, and the honking of car horns and the chatter of people filled the air. As you turned onto your street, you couldn't help but smile as you saw your house in the distance. It was a small, cozy house, all by itself, surrounded by trees that covered it from the view of the city. The sight of it brought a sense of peace and tranquility to your mind.

You approached the driveway, dismounted your bike, and leaned it against the house. You took a moment to catch your breath and soak in the beauty of your surroundings.

Finally, you made your way to the front door, fumbling in your pocket for your keys. You found them, unlocked the door, and stepped inside. The house was quiet, and the only sound was the soft rustling of the leaves outside. You took a deep breath, feeling the stress of the day slowly melting away. You looked forward to spending the rest of the evening with Frisk, enjoying the peace and quiet of your little haven.

You carefully hang your purse on the hooks attached to the wall, making sure not to let it slip off. You take off your shoes and place them neatly on the rug, feeling the softness of the carpet under your toes. Afterward, you head to your room to change into something more comfortable, eager to unwind after a long day.

As you approach Frisk's room, you notice that it's surprisingly quiet, which is unusual for your normally energetic sibling. A sense of worry creeps into your mind as you reach for the doorknob. You take a deep breath and push the door open, revealing an empty room. You step inside and take a glance around, noticing that everything seems to be in place, except for a piece of paper on the desk. You walk over to the desk and pick up the paper, noticing Frisk's handwriting written on it.

The words on the page send a wave of relief through you, as you realize that everything is okay.


'Hey sis, I'm out for a walk and will be back before dinner.

Don't worry, I'm safe. Love you!'

~Love, Frisk


As you walked out of Frisk's room, you noticed the small note had a cute little drawing of you and Frisk holding hands on the back. The drawing was adorable, and it made you giggle. You couldn't resist keeping it, so you carefully folded the paper and put it in your pocket for safekeeping.

After that, you head to the kitchen to prepare dinner for when Frisk gets back home. You decided to make chicken breasts with baked potatoes, one of Frisk's favorite meals, and also one of yours. You wanted to make sure that the meal was perfect, so you took your time to prepare everything.

You turned on the sink and washed your hands with soap, waiting for the water to get warm. Once it was warm, you dried your hands, making sure to get them completely dry. You then started cooking and took the chicken and potatoes out of the fridge. You also gathered all the seasonings and utensils you needed for cooking.

You carefully cleaned up the chicken, making sure to cut off any unwanted pieces and setting them aside. Then, you seasoned the chicken with your favorite seasonings, making sure that each piece was well coated. You let the chicken sit for 15 minutes in the fridge to marinate, which would make it more flavorful.

Next, you moved on to the potatoes, which were quite easy to prepare. You wash them off before placing them on a pan and putting them in the oven for around 15 minutes. You checked the potatoes every few minutes to make sure they weren't overcooked.

As you sat there in anticipation, you gazed out of the window, mesmerized by the breathtaking view outside. The sun was setting, casting a warm orange glow over the skyline, making it look like a picturesque painting.

You couldn't help but feel a sense of calm, which was interrupted by a glance at the clock. It had been 15 minutes, and you couldn't help but feel a tinge of worry. You hoped that they would return soon so that both of you could savor the meal together, and share stories of your day.

~Time Skip~

It had been over an hour since the delicious meal was cooked to perfection, but Frisk had not returned yet. The sun had already set, and you were growing increasingly anxious. You quickly grabbed your purse, coat, and shoes before running out the door. You knew Frisk wouldn't have gone into the city as they disliked crowded places, so you tried to think of any other places they might have gone.

As you locked the door and turned around, you remembered that they had mentioned a place they wanted to explore for a while. They had been talking about it nonstop, saying it offered an incredible view of the city from the top. It was Mount Ebott!

You realized that this was likely where they had gone, and you knew you had to find them quickly. You sprinted to your bike, knowing it would take some time to reach the mountain. You checked your phone for any messages before putting it away and started pedaling towards Mount Ebott.

The thought of Frisk being alone on the mountain at night made your heart race, and you pushed yourself to go faster.

As you rode towards the mountain, you couldn't help but think about all the possible dangers and risks that Frisk might face in the dark. You tried to shake off those thoughts and focused on the goal of finding your sibling. You arrived at the base of the mountain, and with your bike secured, you started to hike up the trail.

The wind picked up, and the chill in the air made you shiver. You called out Frisk's name, but there was no answer. Your heart sank, and you started to worry that you might not find them. However, you didn't give up and continued to climb up the mountain. It was so dark.

As you began climbing up the mountain, your eyes scanned the rocky terrain. Suddenly, you spotted a branch with a piece of purplish-blue cloth hanging from it. Your heart skipped a beat as you realized that it was a part of Frisk's shirt.

You ran towards the branch, your heart pounding in your chest, eager to grab the cloth. But in your haste, you tripped over a rock and lost your balance. You felt yourself falling, expecting to hit the ground at any moment, but instead, you kept falling into a dark and ominous hole.

As you fell deeper and deeper into the hole, you felt your stomach lurching, and your heart racing with fear. You looked up, hoping to catch a glimpse of the sky, but it was barely visible as a speck above you.

You wondered how deep the hole was and if you would ever reach the bottom. You feared for your life, but your thoughts were also consumed by Frisk. Was Frisk down this hole too? Was Frisk hurt or worse?

Finally, after what seemed like an eternity, you lost consciousness and hit the ground. You landed on a bed of golden flowers, which cushioned your fall.

Soon you slowly opened your eyes, disoriented and confused. You wondered where you were and how you got there. You tried to get up, but your body felt weak and sore. You needed to rest as you closed your eyes losing consciousness again.

Here we go folks a longer chapter finally getting you into the ground. Btw it will be a couple of chapters till the Sans x Reader starts! I want to make this book good and detailed so I hope you guys enjoy it!

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