Knowing .6. (3.6k Words)

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You've been staying at Toriel's place with Frisk for three delightful days now. Toriel has been an incredibly gracious host, cooking for the two of you and allowing you to explore the area at your leisure. The place feels like home, but your inquisitive nature has been gnawing at you. For the past two days, you've been chatting with a stranger on the other side of a mysterious giant stone door. You're curious about what life is like on the other side, but since Toriel hasn't mentioned the door and what lies beyond it, you're hesitant to bring it up. You don't want to offend or upset her by appearing ungrateful for all she has done for you and Frisk.

Suddenly, a knock at the door interrupts your thoughts. You open it to find Frisk standing before you, their eyes wide with anticipation. You welcome them in, and they slowly step into the room, cautiously looking around. The room is dark, but with Frisk's help, it soon fills with light.

As you make space for Frisk to sit beside you on the bed, you notice a sense of worry etched on their face, and your heart sinks. They take a deep breath, and you can hear the tremble in their voice as they begin to speak. You listen intently, trying to pick up on their every word, and offer support.

Frisk recounts their journey downstairs and how they stumbled upon a colossal stone door that aroused their curiosity. The prospect of discovering what lies beyond this mysterious door was too tempting for them to resist, and they expressed their desire to explore it with you. You sense their apprehension as they finish speaking, unsure of how you would react to their proposal. However, their words only serve to intensify your own curiosity, and you begin to consider asking Toriel about the door. Perhaps, with Frisk's newfound interest, you could finally uncover the secrets beyond it.

"Frisk, I'm going to be honest" You let out a sigh before you continue as Frisk nods their head. "I knew about the door. I stumbled upon it and it piqued my interest I wanted to ask Toriel about it but I didn't want to upset her and I didn't want to inform you because I didn't want you running off by yourself" You take in a deep breath as you had said that all in one go as you were anxious.

Frisk, your younger sibling, looks up at you with a bright smile and takes hold of your hand. They assure you that they won't run away without you, and add a playful wink, which makes you chuckle. You hug Frisk, feeling the warmth of their small body against yours, before letting go. They then pull you towards the door, eager to speak with Toriel, their caretaker, about how to exit the Ruins.

As you walk, Frisk talks excitedly about their plan, but you can't shake off the nervous feeling in your gut. You don't want to upset Toriel, who has been nothing but kind and patient with the two of you since you fell into the Ruins. However, Frisk's enthusiasm is infectious, and you nod along, trying to calm your nerves.

You both arrive at the living room, where Toriel usually spends her time reading next to the cozy fireplace in her recliner. You can hear the crackling of the fire and smell the faint scent of wood smoke. Frisk stops in front of Toriel, she notices your presence, closes the book, and greets you warmly, "Ah, greetings my children! May I help you with anything?"

However, the friendly atmosphere is soon replaced by an awkward silence when Frisk hesitantly asks if you can leave the Ruins. You notice Toriel's face shift from a smile to a look of displeasure, which makes you feel a bit sad. You quickly look away, not wanting to see how she reacts to Frisk's question.

Frisk then squeezes your hand before continuing, explaining how you both want to explore more of the underground and go beyond the Ruins. As you muster the courage to look up from the ground, you hear Toriel sigh and then stand up from her chair.

The room feels tense as Toriel paces back and forth, seemingly lost in thought. Finally, she turns towards you both and speaks in a gentle yet firm tone, "I understand your desire to explore, but the world beyond the Ruins is dangerous. You must be cautious and prepared before venturing out. Let me help you, my children."

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