~Comfort~ .3. (3.1k words)

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You had been clinging to Frisk for 20 minutes before finally letting go. You took a deep breath and asked, "So, could you explain what happened and how you got here?" You shuddered, still trying to calm yourself from your crying earlier. Frisk nodded and explained how they were following the path along Mt. Ebott when they heard a strange noise a little down the trail. 

They decided to investigate and follow the noise, but as they got closer, they tripped and fell down the same ruins that you did. Frisk recounted how they woke up in a bed of flowers and met Toriel, who had taken them in and cared for them. They had been staying with Toriel ever since then.

Once Frisk finished their story, Toriel decided to make dinner for the two of you. You felt your stomach grumble in anticipation as you hadn't eaten since you fell. Frisk's eyes glowed with excitement, and you couldn't help but smile at their enthusiasm. As Toriel busied herself in the kitchen, you and Frisk chatted about your experiences in the underground. You were grateful to have found each other again and looked forward to exploring more of the ruins together.

As you spent some time conversing with Frisk, you both were called over to the dining room by Toriel. Frisk's eyes lit up with excitement as they quickly hopped off the bed and dashed towards the kitchen, with you following close behind. You took a seat at the dining table and gazed upon the mouthwatering aroma emanating from the kitchen. 

Toriel emerged from the kitchen with a freshly baked pie, plates, and utensils in tow. She carefully placed a plate in front of Frisk and then one in front of you, before skillfully cutting a generous slice of pie for each of you. The sight of the warm, flaky crust and the scent of the sweet filling made your mouth water.

Toriel, the kind-hearted caretaker of the Ruins, announces that she has decided to hold off on serving her signature dish, snail pie, for tonight. Instead, she surprises you and Frisk with a freshly baked, tantalizing butterscotch-cinnamon pie. As she sweetly smiles and sits between you and Frisk, you cannot help but return her kind gesture with a smile of your own.

As you look down at the pie in front of you, you can see the steam rising from the pie and smell the sweet aroma of cinnamon. You pick up your fork, eager to taste the delicious pie. You take a bite and savor the flavors of the butterscotch and cinnamon that complement each other perfectly. The combination is simply divine, making you feel as if you're melting in your chair. You can't help but scarf down the rest of your big piece of pie, feeling grateful for Toriel's kindness.

After you and Frisk finish eating your slices of pie, Toriel suggests that the two of you should go to sleep. You instantly agree as you feel the tiredness washing over you, after a long day. You and Frisk get up from the table and walk with Toriel toward the bedrooms. However, Toriel stops you and your sibling at the door of the room you were in before.

"I'm sorry Y/N, is it alright if you bunk with Frisk for tonight? Of course, I'll get the other room set up for you," Toriel says kindly. "As you seem to be an adult, you should have your privacy." She gives you a warm smile, and you nod gratefully before heading into the room with Frisk.

As you close the door behind you, Frisk jumps up on the bed, their small frame barely making a dent in the soft mattress. You chuckle at their excitement and walk over to sit beside them. You slip off your shoes and run your fingers through your hair, feeling relieved to finally have a moment of peace.

Frisk gets comfortable under the covers, snuggling into the pillows, and you follow suit, lying down next to them. You pull the blankets up to your chin, feeling the soft fabric warming your skin. As you turn away from Frisk to face the wall, you feel a sense of calm wash over you. It's been a long day, but you're happy to finally be able to rest next to your dear sibling.

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