Chapter 13

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'Sweetheart that is really wonderful news,' Roger smiled, 'I have called up a colleague who specializes in corporate contracts to look through this,' Roger indicated to the contract I showed him.

'Katy honey this is absolutely amazing. I am still awestruck at the money sponsors pour into this sport,' mom studied the sponsorship figure.

'Katy at the rate you're going, you're really going to need an agent,' Roger laughed.

'Can't Jeff handle that?' I asked.

'You need somebody who is legal wise and media savvy,' Roger spoke gravely. 'And Katy, don't even verbally commit to anything whatsoever, without an attorney at your side,' Roger cautioned.

'This is becoming scary,' I complained.' All I want to do is race my car, I don't want all the buiness hassles.'

'Shall we look into getting you an agent?' Roger offered.

'Can I speak to Jeff first,' I murmured.
Heck I needed to make right with him, I'd hurt his feelings about firing him. Damn me and my big mouth.

'Honey, Jeff is a great guy, but you need somebody with legal muscle,' Roger pointed out. 'Companies that sign up brand ambassadors, create such air tight contracts, sometimes a person can't even take a step to the side to exit the contract they're tied up to.'

Yes I heard the song from Rafe already. And he's not even practicing yet, but he's already dishing out advice.

'I think I do want somebody to look after all these business aspects of things Roger, but just let me fill Jeff in on things okay.'

I saw mom smirk, at me wanting to run things by Jeff first. I don't know what's so funny. I mean it's because of Jeff that I'm racing. It's because of Jeff that I'm doing so well, even I can't believe how well.

'I'll talk to you guys just now,' I huffed, going to my room to call Jeff.

'Come on pick up Jeff, please', the phone rang continuously until it went to voicemail.

Don't try to sulk, not now Jeff.

I dialed Jeff's mobile one more time, praying he would answer and on the sixth ring, I heard his voice.

'Jeff, I __ you busy?' I asked stupidly, and was answered with silence.

'Jeff please, I'm sorry about earlier. I was out of line,' I pleaded.

Silence again.

'It's not very nice having a conversation with myself you know. I could have paced around my room, speaking to myself without calling you,' I moaned.

I heard a spontaneous laugh at the end of the line and smiled, 'you not angry with me?' I whispered.

'Nope,' I could hear there was a smile playing on his lips. 'What's up sugar?'

'My stepdad thinks I should get a professional to handle the business and legal issues.'

'Actually, I wanted to suggest that to you, seeing we're no legal eagles,' he smiled.'you know, Ally has an exceptional agent.'

He can't be all that exceptional, if Rafe had to rescue her.

'My stepdad has contacted somebody, you and I could meet with,' I informed him.

'Then I suggest we follow your step dad's sound advice. He will recommend somebody credible.'


'Yeah babe?'

'About you and the salary bit__'

'Yeah?' he questioned.

My obsession with Rafe Vega : Teen FictionWhere stories live. Discover now