Chapter 27

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 ‘Sweetheart how about we have some breakfast?’ mom suggested, pointing to one of the restaurants in the food court of the airport.

I just followed mom like a mechanical robot and slumped into one of the chairs.  I’m sure I looked freaky with that glazed look plastered on my face.  All I could see in my mind’s eye was the aircraft with Rafe in it drawing away.  With hundreds of tiny windows, and people’s faces behind them, but too far away for me to pinpoint where Rafe sat.

‘What would you like honey?’ Mom’s hand clasped over mine.

I looked up to see a young waiter standing at our table, pen at the ready to take down our order.  He smiled at me, when our eyes met, I looked away.

‘I’m not hungry mom.’

‘We’ll just have two coffees, thank you,’ mom requested.

‘Katy you’ve got to pull yourself together.  You’ve got six months to go.’

Note to self.  Mom addressed me as “Katy.”

‘Just give me this day please,’ I whispered.

‘Sweetheart that chain costs more than your car,’ mom let that drop kind of randomly.

I knew I was blushing, I could feel my cheeks flame like they were on fire. I let go of the chain that I’d unconsciously been holding between my lips.  I looked at mom and quickly looked away she was trying to keep a straight face.

It cost more than my car?  Mom would know.  She had quite a collection. Roger was always finding any excuse to shower mom with exquisite glittering jewelry.

 ‘I went to give him a photo of me last night__.’

‘Sweetheart you don’t have to justify why you’re wearing Rafe’s chain,' mom grinned.  ‘I’m just glad he cares about you as much as you do for him,’ mom added sugar into her coffee and mine and handed me my cup.

‘Thank you,’ I accepted.  ‘Do you think he really, really cares?’ I whispered.

‘Honey, you practically had Rafe in tears, for heaven’s sake!  Nobody could fake that kind of emotion, not even a guy.  You had me sobbing, I was glad of Roger’s support.'

Mom had been crying?  Oh heck I had not even noticed.  Who could blame me right?

‘I’m sorry,’ I mumbled.

‘I never knew you cared that much.  I only now understand what made you surrender your virtue to Jamie,’ mom whispered.

Jamie!  Jamie seemed like a life time away.  The guy I’d used to relieve me of a burden, I’d stupidly thought would get me closer to Rafe.  All the time Rafe had been avoiding me like the plague, because I reminded him of his mother!  I could still picture the anguish and torment on Rafe’s gorgeous face last night when we’d spoken about my absent virtue. He’d only claimed he did not want “clingy virgins” because, I reminded him of his mother.   It had hurt him so much that I’d foolishly thrown it away. 

‘Mom, I saw a picture of Rafe’s mother, Gabriela Vega last night.  You would not believe how similar she and I look.’

‘You’re kidding!’

‘When I saw the picture in Rafe’s wallet.  I was astounded, thinking it was of me, until I looked closely and saw it was classical__ not the type of outfit I possess or wear.  She truly is beautiful though,’ I smiled.

‘You’re beautiful too, mom smiled, clasping her hand tightly into mine.

I believe you now.  Rafe told me so, like ten times in the shower, when he made love to me there.

My obsession with Rafe Vega : Teen FictionWhere stories live. Discover now