「 l - Work and tea 」

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Nikolai just arrived at the cafe. He looked around the cozy place. The walls were the color of being, lots of old oil paintings and looooots of wines and plants everywhere. Nobody was sitting in any of the chairs or armchairs. Well it was quite obvious, it was 8 AM. He didn't arrive first - Sigma was already there. He was all alone in the big kitchen making some cupcakes and listening to music on his earbuds. The white haired boy had an idea to scare the living shit out of his friend. He didn't know if the music was loud or not so he slowly, careful not to make any sound, walked to the boy.

"Hello there, Sigma!!" He said with a grin, while he pocked him in the ribs and backed off to not get hit.

"WHAT THE-" He screamed and jumped in place having a heart attack. He looked around and saw giggling Nikolai in the corner. He put the pastry bag filled with pink icing on the table and looked at his friend furiously. "Nikolai, get to work and stop messing around." He said trying to calm down but the boy just started laughing even harder because of his reaction. Sigma just sighted and started to decorate the cupcakes again. Thanks to god, none of the pastries were destroyed by Nikolai's 'prank'.

"Don't be so maaad! It's just a childish joke~" He said smiling and rolling his double colored eyes. White haired boy walked to a friend of his, looking at what he was doing before he arrived.

"You're way too childish sometimes... You need to bake this bread" He pointed at the dough in these weird bowls. Nikolai nodded energetically and walked to the bread.

The whole hour just flew on annoying each other, baking and cleaning. The other workers arrived one after another, some of them late.

It was finally 9 AM and they could open the cafe. The white haired one jumped to the doors to change the little sign from 'closed' to 'open'.

Nobody came till 9:45 AM and these minutes were soooooo boring. Nikolai started playing with some napkins, building swans and other birds.

Finally, FINALLY someone walked through, the little bell on doors rang playfully. Nikolai hid napkins and stood straight awaiting the customer.

A black haired boy, around his age, walked in and looked around. He hung his coat, which was covered in snow. The middle winter weather made its way inside as cold air blew on white haired boy. The customer sat in the corner, on a big couch looking out of the window, he took out some big book and started reading it.

Nikolai waited for three minutes before going to boys table.

"Hello! What would you want to order?" He smiled brightly, even brighter than the snow on the streets. The boy looked at him expressionlessly and put his book down.

"I'd like to order black tea." He said still without any emotions showing. Nikolai could now see that he was very pale and cold air made his cheeks and nose red, he was looking cute like that.

"In a minute!" He said and ran to the kitchen. Black haired one just went back to reading.

In a few minutes of waiting, his order stood on the little table. The tea was made in a beautiful white cup with flowers and birds on it. Both of them liked the cups design.

"Anything else?" Asked Nikolai with a smile that he kept always on his face.

Dark haired boy shook his head and thanked him for bringing him tea. So Nikolai went back to waiting for other customers.

Pale boy was sitting there for like an hour, sipping his tea and reading peacefully. Till the moment he paid, left some tips for white haired boy and left the cafe.


Well hello there!!!!
I'm back from dead ^_^
Ik that this chapter was really boooooring but it's just the start ;P

I will probably update the story every weekend or maybe earlier but probably not bc school is stick schooling and i have to study (lol no I won't)

For today it was 620 words ig

Stay safe love y'all!!!!

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