「 XIX - Lost tears around the trees 」

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Nikolai started waking up slowly. Light hit his eyes, as he closed them again. It must be morning already, but why? He didn't want to wake up nor get up. He risked opening his eyes again, but there were no light now. Was he dreaming again? He hoped not to. These dreams were getting worse, one by one. He felt warmth, not like in his dreams. It was comforting and soft. Something tightened around his back, because of his little movement. He was pressed into this soft thing, but he enjoyed it. The smell was also nice. The white haired boy wanted to smell this scent even more often. It was so comfortable. He wanted to fall asleep again, but this mysterious warmth was still kind of weird to him; even though he enjoyed it so, so much. Most of the time, while waking up, it was cold. Not even the covers could let him be warm again.

He risked and opened his eyes wider this time, fully prepared to be blinded by the mornings light... but nothing came? Still dark and cozy. He wasn't dreaming for sure, but still. Something was off. He finally heard something. Breathing! Fast and short. He raised his head a little, not to wake anything that was besides him. How come he had this hole in his memory. Whatever happened yesterday was so blurry, he only remembered getting home and going to sleep.

As he looked up, he saw the love of his life. (It's after 12 am rn and am dying pretty much and some people are trying out the playground next to my home and it sounds like rabbits fucking i hate this) He was laying there peacefully, his head risen a little, so Nikolai was now being pressed into his neck. The light haired one was looking at him for few more seconds before realizing, that they are sleeping together! They were hugging!? No way Fyodor would do something like this! Was something wrong? He didn't really care right now. He wanted to sleep more with his love. As his thoughts left his head, he nuzzled his face into the other's neck. Hands around his tightened a little more, not letting him go anywhere. He wanted to wake up like this every day 'till his death.

Nikolai woke up again. It was bright yet again. The light pained his eyes so much, as he looked at the window. How bad it is to wake up after such an amazing and cozy night! But something was missing. Fyodor was missing! His eyes shot open, as he sat up to look around. Confusion grew when he couldn't recall what day it was. Did he had work today? No, probably not. It was still renovating. But the day. The hole in memory still didn't fill up, as much as he wanted it to.

After some silent whining, he finally got up. His hear were lose, flying around as he walked. The raven haired one was probably in the kitchen. Glupy's meow's were heard. As he walked in, he stopped for a bit, watching the other one prepare the cat's food.

"Good morning." The black haired said, making Nikolai jump a little. Was he that loud walking here, so he could already know where he was?

"G'morning..." He said, while sitting on the free chair. The second one was occupied by Glupy. She looked at his, then jumped on the table, walking over to him. She purred, as he pet her gently.

"Did you slept well? You look troubled." Fyodor said, not looking up at him.

"Wha- no no! I actually slept really well! Better than most of the nights." He said with a nervous laugh. From the other one, a small chuckle could be heard. It was a rare thing, but his laugh was so pretty. Gogol wanted to hear it more often.

"Are you scared of thunderstorms?" His question was sudden, also sounding kinda worrying?

"Well- uh... yeah kinda..." For him - it was embarrassing to admit. Why would he be so scared of something so natural. It was stupid.

"You looked so stressed out when you came to me." His voice was getting more... comforting? Was he not going laugh at him for such a silly thing? Would he even do that...?

If you die, i die with you - Fyolai storyWhere stories live. Discover now