「 VIII - The bridge, the willow, the river. 」

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It was still pretty early. The birds were chirping outside of the window. Nikolai didn't bothered himself to get up and see the birds, he loves so much. He only looked at them a little annoyed.

''Go and shit on something'' he said looking at his phone. It was only 10 am. It was Saturday. So why not to go somewhere? But where? Or with who... he didn't wanted to look weird walking somewhere where people are meeting, all alone. It was weird fear of his. The fear of going somewhere and being judged, but he only had this fear when alone, with someone he feels good with, he's unstoppable.

Yeah friends... he finally has one! So he can do all the things that friends do! He jumped on his bed, thinking if he should text Fyodor or not. Nikolai was actually pretty scared how he's gonna react... it couldn't be so bad ain't it? He had his number; they shared it at the first meeting.

''I can do it. It's just a damn call!''

Well, he couldn't... he just sat there staring at his contact info rethinking all the fuckin' idea. Why was he so scared of it!? Did he just got to another level of stupidity!? He wanted to scream, but his neighbors would probably yell at his after all... they were mean.

He had to call. He HAD to. If he wouldn't do it again he would probably get mad at himself for being so stupid and weak... oh yeah, the white haired one had to call his sister for advices also... nope that'll wait! Nikolai picked his number and called, still kinda scared, but he knew he could do it! He's not a weak bitch.

The beeping stopped, signalizing that Fyodor picked up. He waited, both of them waited, but the clowns could hear a silent 'hello?' from other side.

''...huh? OH FUCK YEAH- uhh sorry for making you trouble, but... uhhh... would ya wanted to... I don't know... hang out...?'' damn he was stuttering badly and forgetting what he even wanted to say in first place. He felt so stupid, but could hear a little giggle from his friend that made his mood ascend to even better. ''well y'know I'm bored and it's Saturday! Haha... would you pleaseeeee I know a good place, that you'll like!'' now he kind of was begging him to go somewhere... was that weird? Yes it was and he knew it, but he was so desperate for someone to talk to and do anything other than laying on his bed watching TV or scrolling on his phone.

''yes, I will. Thanks for asking.'' This words of Fyodors wasn't dull at all. Nikolai could hear that he was smiling. It made his heart warmer than ever.

''YAY!!!! Then let's meet next to the café I work in!'' now he was jumping around... he was really excited. ''will you be there in an hour?''

''I will.'' And he hung up. Clown started running around the room being happy just to live.

Nikolai dressed up better and finally left his apartment. He almost ran. People looked at him thinking if he's okay or maybe not... when he got to the café, he was already there.

''I'm really sorry for being late!'' he said as he tried to catch breath. He felt like he's dying.

''you okay?'' Fyodor asked looking at him a little concerned.

''yeah, yeah... to much running!'' when white haired one was finally leading them to the magic place.

They get to the park, Raven haired boy was looking around trying to find the 'place'.

''where are we going, Nikolai?'' he didn't bother to even look at his friend when asking.

''to the place I wanna take you to!'' the clown smiled widely at him, the russian's cheeks that were always pale got little red, as if some artist touched his face with a watercolor red paint, that quickly spread on his face. He looked away. His companion didn't notice, he was glad that he didn't...

After, like, 15 minutes, they arrived at the 'place'. The place itself was hidden in the bushes, that they needed to walk through. It was still winter and snow so they got snow all over them. Nikolai got the advantage of the situation and patted his friend's head to get the snow off of his hair. His cheeks flushed even more...

''hey! Look!'' the Ukrainian pointed at something, he looked that way and just gasped a little. The place was next to the river, but the river itself was really low in the ground, with stones build next to the both sides of the crazy water. Next to the river was a weeping willow, then there was a small bridge with fancy looking railings. In the back there was even more willows and other trees, and bushes. It all looked amazing together. With the snow ah... it was beautiful...

''do you like it here?'' Nikolai asked his friend.

''it's... amazing!'' Fyodor smiled a little. He really liked it here...



idk if i will post more bc if ill get another bad grade in math imma kms ^_^

i wanted to made this chapter longer but im running out of time without. the reason of the longer wanting chapter is bc its one year anniversary of my first ever fanfction!!!!!1!!

holy fuck its a year not.

okay bye  ye love yaalllllll <333

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