「 IX - Restaurant and the bear 」

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''it's... amazing!'' Fyodor smiled a little. He really liked it here...

''I'm glad you like it here...!'' His clown friend smiled, but the smile was a little bit off. It wasn't as big as always and bright. Was he sad about something? His friend really liked this place, so what could possibly happen? Black haired boy wanted to ask him about it, but he never was good in reading expressions, so it was hard for him to know if it was something serious or something just... sad for clown. Now boy was fighting with himself if he should ask or not... ''Well! You hungry?'' now this bright smile was back on his, a little bit pale face. But something seem off in his eyes, it was like the sad sparkle was hiding in his lips at first, but now it flew all the way up to his beautiful eyes. Should he ask? He didn't wanted to hurt him even more right now, it was hard to think... Fyodor was just looking at him thinking, he was ignoring his question a lil' bit now, but it didn't matter now. The Russian needed to know what happened to his friend. It was so odd seeing him sad, even that little bit of sadness made him look different.

''did something happen?'' he finally asked and stopped fighting himself in his head. ''like... something here? It's really pretty place, but... does something happened here?'' Fyodor had sparkle of concern in his purple eyes (y'all can correct me about his eye color bc I googled it and I still don't actually know and I definitively am not colorblind >:[ ).

''what...? Noooo! I'm fineeeeee!'' he waved his hand in nonchalant manner, looking away. He didn't know what to do now. What should he say to don't make him even more concerned and avoid all these questions he hated the most?

''are you sure...?'' Fyodor wanted to hold his hand now, to show him, that he's here for him.

''of course I am!'' he jumped in place, smiling even brighter that the snow. ''now, are you hungry or not.'' He said it acting like if he was grumpy and all, it just made him look stupid, but for his friend it was cute.

''if you want to eat something, then let's go.'' he came back to his usual emotionless face.

''okay! I know a good restaurant!'' Nikolai made his way bouncing thru the bushes to the restaurant, as his dark haired friend followed him slowly, watching everything around him, like a curious child.

After 10 minutes of walking, they got there. It was an old big mansion looking restaurant, it was made out of dark wood. In front of it, there was a porch with few benches. Next to the doors was standing a... bear made out of wood!? It was sooo big, almost 2 meters! It was made by human, someone carved all of this...

''owner of this place made this bear.'' Nikolai said as he looked at his friend admiring the statue. ''you've never been here before?''

Reven haired one shook his head. He didn't like to go to any restaurants or anything, he didn't trust this food.

After all, they ordered food and spent good time chatting together, and the food was amazing!

(these two places are real and I just wrote them here bc why not. The willow tree is in some park in Zakopane in Poland and the restaurant was on the way there. I was there like 6 years ago ig :D)

When Nikolai got home, it was already dark outside and it was snowing again. He sat on the couch and checked his phone just to see 17 missed calls of his sister and 4 of his mother. He could dig his own grave right now, so many missed calls means that he's dead, someone died or both. The white haired boy was scared to call back because he knew they'll yell at him for not picking up and won't listen that he was with someone and couldn't call back...


I wanted to write more but im really tired now. Also thank you all for 111 views, it really mean a lot to me!!!

Luv yall bye!!!1!!!1

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