「 XI - someone at two am? 」

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''sure, come in.''

''are you sure? I don't really need to stay here...'' it was even more embarrassing for him, but it just happen. ''I can find another place if it's not that bad...!''

''you just said that you don't have a place to stay.'' His voice almost emotionless, like he was a porcelain doll.

''yeah... but I can go somewhere else...'' he tried to get out of this situation he just kinda created. It was so compromising!

''just come in and don't make a scene.'' Fyodor said as he lead him inside of his apartment. It was small, but cozy. Like the café, but smaller and more light colors. There was so many plants, none of them dry (not possible). A small kitchen with weirdly small amount of plates, even in shelves. Everything was clean, so clean. Everything was on its place.

''you can stay here as long as you need to.'' He said slowly. ''not like I have anyone to share this place with.''

As his friend said this, a small creature ran over him and started purring. It was a calico kitty, it was so small.

''how about this little fella?'' Nikolai said petting the cat as it meowed loudly.

''her name is Glupy (read it however ya want I just translated silly to Russian I didin't had any idea)'' the cat looked at its owner and proudly walked away. ''I picked her up, I found her in the trashcan.''

As Nikolai unpacked some of his things, he was considering calling his parents about Olga. No, it won't do anything. They would be on her side. Two weeks...

''how will you make your sister leave your house?'' Fyodor suddenly spawned in the living room, scaring Nikolai.

''...how about putting some fire?'' he said as he smiled widely.

''damn pyromaniac.'' Both of them rolled their eyes.

''I wasn't for real, jeez. Scaring her?''

''more like it.''

They were talking about making her leave apartment for a long time. Glupy had made herself comfortable on white haired ones lap, as she was purring loudly. It was already dark, but not 'day' dark, but the night one. It was around 11 pm. They were talking for so long yet it felt like 10 minutes.

Fyodor yawned and told his friend that he's going to bed. Nikolai did so too, tomorrows work...

It was almost 2 am. He couldn't sleep. Glupy didn't leave him till now, she was sleeping next to his head, on the couch. Suddenly he could hear some quiet noises. Like walking around? He sat up trying to see in the dark. Someone walked past him. He got scared so badly, but didn't move. The person sat next to him. Now he was scared as fuck...

Nikolai tried to get his phone, but it fell on the ground instead... the person looked his way. It was... Fyodor? What was he doing at 2 am?

''Fyodor...?'' no response. '' is that you... or am I hallucinating...'' the last part was barely hearable.

Still no response. After two minutes, he stood up and went back to his room. It was... weird and scary...

The next day raven haired one said that sometimes he's sleepwalking. But that doesn't change the fact that Nikolai got scared shitlessly.


Hiii sorry for not posting but I don't have any energy lately.

Rn I will probably post less or the time between chapters will be longer

Thanks for 237 views ^^!!!!

Love you all byeeee <3

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