Medical Sibling

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- The Next Day, John's POV -

I finish sending my text message to Arlo, I had just asked if he could retrieve my bag that I accidentally left in the class he is now currently attending. Unfortunately I have to hope he is nice enough to retrieve it for me, though he most likely will.

College is almost out for the day and the last class is finishing up in ten minutes.

Sera wanted to go shopping with Remi and I was lucky enough to not need to tag along with them. I instead had plans to visit the electronics store and pick up a new laptop.

Campus was pretty empty compared to an hour earlier, so it came as a slight surprise when I noticed two people still sitting on a bench in the park area.

However I didn't care enough to be bothered by it, I have more important things going on anyways.

- Jack's POV, Wellston College -

"How do you think of college sis?" I ask my dear sister who had just experienced her first day here.

"She smiles back, it was alright. Better than I expected." My red haired sister fixed her glasses as she responded.

Her eyes had a tint of yellow in them, she appeared to be slightly overwhelmed but I was glad to be by her side to show her around the school.

"Wellston College is better than most colleges to begin with Belladonna." I respond.

Mitchell was out on a run ( for some reason ) and he passed by me and stopped for a minute. "New girlfriend Jack?" He asks, interested in who I was talking to although he said it like an ass.

"That's my sister ass face, I'm showing her around Wellston." I say annoyed at him.

"Oh, well hey I'm Mitchell." He introduced himself.

"I-Im Belladonna." She responded, a little shy.

"You're lucky to have a brother like him, because he can enchant literally anything so if you see a boy you like ask him to put the guy in a love spell." Mitchell said seriously.

"That's unethical." I tried to put some reason. "Why would I hurt someone's free will?"

"Maybe not for you but maybe for your sister?" Mitchell shrugs. "Well I have to continue my run," he checks his smartwatch. "I'll catch up with you two later." And he sets off once again.

Ass fuck.

"Does he not know I have a variant of your ability?" She asks me.

"That's common knowledge siblings share powers, maybe he assumes I'm stronger?"

"Which is true." She points out.

"I guess but I'm not enchanting anyone for you." I immediacy put up a rule.

"Well if I want to, I'll do it myself, that is if I fine anyone..." She sighs.

I kinda cringe at the thought of her dating someone but I brush that thought away. "Cmon let's go get some lunch and then you can go to your dorm and maybe you can hang out with your new roommate?"

She and I get up and we visit this Italian Cafe to get some nice European food. We eat and talk a little more, remembering the good times we had when we were younger.

I remember the time I beat up the boy who tried flirting with her in high school, although I did it partially because I didn't like his face anyways.

We finished lunch and I went ahead to escort her to her dorm, on the way there I noticed Emerson trying to do an oil change on a car.

Wait, I didn't know he owned a car. Why does he own one can't he just travel with his ability or something?

"Hey Em, you're doing an oil change?" I ask him, confused at what the hell he's even doing anymore. "I thought you wouldn't need a car."

"I got a driver's license as an ID and having a car makes me feel normal, I like to fit in sometimes even though I have an outrageous ability." He responded while putting a pan of old oil aside and he slams the the car front down.

"I want you to meet someone this is my sister, she's recently attending college here." I introduce her.

"Hi." He says but doesn't do much else, he simply cleans up. Adding to his strange behaviors lately.

"Hi-i I'm Belladonna." She starts to fidget, feeling nervous.

"I'm Emerson," he leans on the car, looking worn out. "Did your brother recommend you this college?"

"Actually it was the only one I applied to since Jack attends here." She explains.

"Well having family around can be convenient." He sighs. "Speaking of convenient, Jack we have a turf war with another rival and we have a big problem."

"No Queen, like last time?" I remember.

"They have a very powerful roster, I'm sure Mitchell and I can hold on......if he and I can cooperate." Emerson thought.

You two haven't been able to cooperate for a year!

"But I do not think this is feasible, were going to need a Queen and she needs to be at least a 7.0 or higher. Were dealing with really high numbers with the rival team."

"I can definitely speed up my healing skills, but I can keep a lookout for a powerful woman." I agree with his statement.

"Besides just a King and Knight who cannot cooperate is already a bad image, a falling apart hierarchy is worse." Emerson rubs his forehead, brushing away at his hair.

"There's no Jack position?" Belladonna speaks up.

"Well kinda, it's been replaced by Knight." I explain.

"It sounds less lowly, Knight sounds more powerful." Em adds.

"One big question is who, I haven't seen a powerful woman around here since Mitchell's girlfriend broke up with him, left the Queen position and transfered schools." I remember.

"Hey, remember the rumors of the ex-Spectre employee who's attending here? I heard she's an 8.0 in Time Manipulation so there's a candidate right there." Em suggests.

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