Evening Drop

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- Mitchell's POV, Wellston University -

Jack, Belladonna and I were studying together in a study room. We all had classes we did not want to waste so we made sure we were studied up and ready for when we have tests coming.

I was lost in my own head, when Jack decided to say something to break the silence.

"I realized we haven't included Em in our group in a long time." Jack notices.

"He can go fuck off for all I care." I didn't like to think about him.

"So what? You're still mad over the title and the fact your ex left you? She was bound to leave you anyways and titles come and go. I mean even the President changes so you can honestly expect that you would stay the King in university forever!" Jack reasoned.

"I mean I guess you're right." I turned a page. "It's something more than that. I don't like him, he's just rotten."

"You used to." Jack added. "Maybe it's your own ego who doesn't like him."

"I mean I like him, he's cute looking." Belladonna pipes in.

Jack cringes for a minute and looks at her a little icked out. "I'm going to pretend I didn't hear that."

"Yeah you're standards are pretty low if you think that." I comment.

"Hey don't insult my sister!" Jack warned. "Your standards are low too my guy."

"I'm just saying Em is kinda fucked up." I explain. "Like he uses his powers overboard, he has hurt people to the point of near death, he's emotionless yet he also laughs for strange reasons. He's crazy, he's bound to be the school villian. I mean he probably is if people stay out of his way!"

"I thought people were nice to him from what I've seen?" Jack again felt confused.

"I don't know him so I can't say for sure who's right." Belladonna sighs. "But maybe we all should stay on good terms with him and maybe things could get better."

"Good idea, I mean that fucking Turf war was year ago. You got to let it go man." Jack finishes whatever he was doing for his assignment. "Besides, I want our group back."

- Seraphina's POV -

"Damn I'm never eating that ever again." I say to myself after finishing a cup of chili I got at the Cafe. IT didn't sit right with, nor do I really like spicy foods.

I throw my cup in the trash, however I'm having this dumb conflict in my head about the whole royal situation.

I do not like that there is a hierarchy here, however I'm pretty sure every school has one at this point so I can't be too surprised.

I do wonder if things will ever go bad enough we were required to be involved in that.

Lost in my thoughts, reality hit me when I noticed a broken laptop on the ground and a guy shouting at someone else.

I see a brown and blue haired guy, with his hand glowing blue while pressing against another poor guy up against the wall.

"I hate you, you tyrant why do you never understand us?!" The victim cries to the aggressor.

Oh shit not this crap again, still!? After High school?!

I sigh, knowing I have to intervene.

The aggressor shouts back. "You better fucking-"

I freeze time and dash towards the bully and push him away.

I resume time and I watch this fuck get up, however rather quickly than most people who would get hit by my attack.

"What the fuck are doing bully others!?" I lecture him. "This is college you fuck, grow up!"

I hear some witnesses around us murmur "Omg she hit the King." OR "How did she get the balls to hit a King like that?"

Oh fuck, I got involved and hit the KING?!

"You idiot!" He said in frustration.

I froze time once again to give him a good slap to show him. I was about to land the punch but he grabs my hand WITHIN the time freeze.

He uses his other hand to generate energy and slams it into my abdomen pushing me away to the ground.

The fuck, what kind of ability does he have that can counter mine?!

Time resumes he says. "The fuck is the matter with you? That person had just thrown a new students laptop and harassed him for being too poor to afford a nice one. I was not the damn bully, I was trying to enforce order!"

"W-what?" I immediately felt stupid. "You were?"

"Yes that's my job as the King." He sighs, deactivating his ability.

"Here let me help you." He lends out his arm, helping me up from the ground.

Feeling super embarrassed,  I quickly apologized. "I'm so sorry, I'm so used to reacting quickly to unfair situations like this that I didn't even know-"

"It's fine, don't worry about it." He turns around and noticed everyone left. "I guess my ability still scares others."

Him too?

"At least I know you're part of the morally correct side." He brushes off the situation.

"Again I'm sorry, well.... I'm Seraphina by the way." I at least introduce myself.

"You're pretty powerful, Seraphina. I'm Emerson" He explains. "It takes a pretty high tier to do some damage to me."

"I assume, you're the King." I joke.

"Not just that. Some consider my ability way too powerful." He continues. "I can manipulate energy in a variety of ways and I have a extremely high level."

I wonder me or John are any stronger than he is? I wonder how high his level is. Is it like 6 or 7 or is it higher like 8 or 9?

"Mine too actually, I can manipulate time and I have a level of 8.0" I explain. "I was the Queen in my former high school."

"Oh wow, I think I heard some things about you here. Nice to actually meet you in person." He smiles.

"Oh, I didn't know that." I humble myself.

"Alot continued their education from Wellston High to here so it makes sense. Me personally I came from somewhere elese." Suddenly he seems to get an idea. "Hey you know what, we're looking for someone to fill to role of Queen. I haven't found a good candidate yet so the offer is up for you if you'd like."


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