One Year Ago

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- College Turf Wars, One Year Ago. Mitchell's POV -

"Dude, what the hell was that?" I ask Em after he just ed his fight with the rivaling Knight.

"You could have killed him!" My girlfriend shouts at him.

"SHUT up, he's fine. I don't care." Emerson rolls his eyes and sits back on the bench area.

I feel a little concerned with his wellbeing, usually as hierarchy we are very coordinated and I have never seen him act this way.

However, recently, I have noticed patterns of a very dark depression that I suspect he has been dealing with lately.

"It's Turf Wars. Someone is always bound to get severely hurt. He'll be fine and be healed." Jack pipes in. "It happens. Get over it, you two." He was specifically referring to me and my girlfriend.

Maybe he's got a point, I guess, I dunno. It just feels different. Something is off with Em.

"Fine. Well, we have one more deciding battle before this whole ordeal is over." I stated. "I'll volunteer-"

"No, I'm going, you're staying here." Emerson got up, even though Jack hasn't even gotten a chance to heal him."

"No, you can't. I'll take over. You need to rest." I tried to explain to him, I wasn't eager to fight, but I also didn't want him to get even more hurt.

"I think Mitchell is right. You ought to listen to him." Jack agreed with him.

"You forget who is the King and who's just a Knight." Emerson pushed me away and rolled up his sleeves. "I make the final decision, not you."

Emerson fought the rival King. However, he was way too aggressive. He let his Energy Manipulation take over and damn near killed his opponent until he felt that the battle was over.

Emerson had grown way too powerful, I used to be the King, and Em was actually several points lower than me and was just the Knight for a long time. But he since grew in strength and the stronger he became the more I felt like I lost my friend.

He used to be one of my closest friends, now he's just another monster. Although a monster wouldn't be the correct word, more like he lost himself.

"Emerson you need to calm down!" Jack tried to push him away from the field and settle him down.

"They have no right snickering at us just because their college is a fucking more expensive school!" Em yelled. "So they got the fight they deserved, I gave them hell." He grinned.

"You seem to be giving everyone hell lately, ever since you became King." I argued.

"At least I was a better King than you ever was." He smiled while having blood bleeding from his mouth. He usually hates it when that happens but now it doesn't seem to bother him.

"You don't deserve to be King Emerson!" I snapped back.

He stood there quietly, his expression dropped. He looked very hurt.

The depressed version of him that I have seen lately came back, he revealed his true self. He was just very depressed and what I had said made him feel more upset.

"I don't deserve to be King, huh......" He kicked the ground gently. "Says the person who LOST his title to ME." He slowly regained his smile and his soulless eyes.

"Guys, let's not fight." My girlfriend stepped in. "Look we are all tired and we just need to get home and-"

"No, Bitchell here needs to know his place!" Emerson's eyes glowed amber and blue aura began to surround him. "I'm not tolerating his shit anymore!"

"Niether am I tolerating yours either!" My ability came kicking in as well.

"Umm." Jack sighed. "Fuck not this again."

"What happened to you?! Why are you just a sick fuck why are you soulless what is the matter with you?!" I shouted at him, feeling my ability start to make my heart rate faster.

He pulled out his hand and his hand emitted a harsh blue aura, he was drawing energy from me. Not slowly but rapidly.

Immediately I could feel my ability die, I could feel myself die.

"Wouldn't you like to know?" Emerson had a fierce look but transitioned to a more sinister face.

I can create matter but I had no idea had to defend myself against something like this, usually we go hand to hand but he must of recently developed this new power to fucking STEAL my life Energy.

"Em? EMERSON YOU'RE KILLING HIM!!" Jack Immediately kick fired his enchantment ability and tried to keep me alive with a life enchantment.

"I don't care! He can die for all I care. I don't deserve to be King then he doesn't deserve to live just to shit over me!" Em argued back.


He put down his hand and I collapsed to the ground, gasping for air. I felt so awful, I could feel the fatigue of death fill my body and yet leave it so quickly.

Jack looked at Em in horror, Emerson only replied. "I shouldn't waste my ability on Mitchell anyways, not like it matters."

"You BITCH I HATE-" I was about fire a graphite shard at him but before I could even unleash my anger my girlfriend shouted. "I had enough! I had enough of you guys are you're fucking drama!"

She looked at the three of us and said. "I'm leaving this heirarchy!" And then she turned to me and stated. "And we are breaking up! I can't stand you or you're little group anymore!"

She stormed off and gave us all the finger, I felt so hurt and heartbroken, Jack just looked shocked and Em burst out laughing.

How how how, how did everything fall apart so suddenly?! We were one of the best hierarchies in the state, she and I were going strong and we all had a good friendship! Hell I was even the King! How did it fall apart so quickly!?

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