Let's Finish This Off Once And For All - Final Chapters ( 3 )

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As I said before, we start with the two giving up their titles.

"What do you mean you two both want to give up your titles?!" The King asked in disbelief, never before has he experienced something like this before.

"It's a joint effort," Sera simple stated. "We're a couple after all."

The three of them were standing in one of the designated "Royals" rooms that the college had assigned for them.

"You know how hard it is already trying to find a healer to replace Jack?" Em chuckled a bit.

"I'm sure you could find a couple more Royals," John added. "I'm sure there's a lot of students here who'd kill for the positions."

"You're right, I've heard two were King and Queen before so I'm sure this isn't anything new for you guys." Emerson sighs as he jots something down on a notepad. "Are you two sure?"

Both of them nod in agreement.

"Well, it's settled then. You two are released from your positions, it was nice while it lasted." Emerson smiled.

"Besides we definitely need to focus more on college." Sera reminded herself and John.

"Totally get that, now that the whole drug scandal is basically gone, I too need to pay attention to my own life." He sighed.

"How's things with you and Bella?" John asked.

"She's not too happy her brother is incarcerated but I promised her I would do my best to help him at least, so we're staying together for the time being." He explained to the now former royal.

After a little more chit chat, they part ways onto their own separate campus life.

The couple walked away from the royals room and decided to attend their classes for the day.

After the day, they eventually receive a text from Remi inviting them both to a midnight party.

So, as any good friends would do, they joined them.

That night, the campus was buzzing with energy. The midnight party Remi had mentioned was not just any gathering—it was an exclusive event, held at one of the older, more mysterious buildings on campus. Rumor had it that some of the elite students and even a few professors used the location for “unofficial” meetings.

As Sera and John made their way through the dimly lit halls, they exchanged excited glances. After giving up their titles, this party felt like a perfect way to unwind and embrace their newfound freedom.

"I wonder what Remi's planning," Sera mused, clutching John's hand a little tighter as they approached the entrance.

John shrugged, "You know Remi, always unpredictable. But I’m just glad we’re not tied to any royal obligations anymore. Feels like a weight’s been lifted."

The door creaked open, revealing a surprisingly upscale gathering. Neon lights cast a soft glow over the stone walls, and a soft, thumping bass reverberated through the floor. Students from all walks of campus life were mingling, some lounging on velvet couches, others dancing in the center of the grand hall. Remi waved them over from across the room, a mischievous grin on her face.

“You two look like you needed this," she teased, handing them drinks. "So, how does it feel to be commoners again?"

Sera laughed, “Honestly, it’s a relief. No more appearances to keep up.”

John took a sip of his drink. “Exactly. I can finally focus on school and, well, us.”

Remi raised an eyebrow. “Oh, ‘us,’ huh? You two are serious-serious now?”

Sera blushed slightly, “You could say that.”

Just as they were settling in, the room’s atmosphere shifted. A group of students, dressed in black with strange, matching emblems on their sleeves, entered the room. Whispers spread like wildfire among the partygoers.

"Who are they?" Sera asked Remi, who suddenly seemed a little tense.

"Those are the Shadow Society," Remi whispered. "They're... well, let's just say they're not exactly your friendly neighborhood club. They operate in the background, pulling strings. Some say they were behind the drug scandal."

John narrowed his eyes. “And they’re just walking in here like they own the place?”

Remi nodded. “It’s complicated. They’ve got influence—more than you'd think.”

Before they could ask more, one of the students from the Shadow Society approached them. He smiled, though there was something unsettling about it.

“You must be Sera and John,” he said smoothly. “Heard you two gave up your titles. Interesting move.”

John tensed. “What’s it to you?”

The guy’s smile widened. “Just... intrigued. You see, people like us—we like to keep tabs on those with potential. Titles or no titles, you’re not out of the game. Not yet.” He winked and disappeared back into the crowd.

Sera exchanged a worried glance with John.

“This night just got a lot more complicated," she muttered.

"Don't worry about it," John said to her. "Remember, we are done meddling with other people's affairs now."

She took out a sigh and trusted him. "You're right."

"Besides, I have something to show you." John nudged at her.

"Hm? What?" She asked, curious but also concerned.

"Follow me." He lead her away from the party and out in into a vacant spot that no one had noticed even existed.

"John, what is this?" She felt skeptical as he lead her to this unusual spot. "Are you going to fuck me in the closet or something?!"

"No, silly." He smiled. "Even better."

He held her hand and then got down on one knee and said to her. "I've been meaning to ask you this but....."

Seraphina's heart began to race and she knew what was coming.

"Will you marry me?"

A pause that only lasted half a second later, she immediately shouted "YES!"

"W-what, really?!"

"Yes yes a million times yes!" Seraphina smiled, overjoyed and relieved it wasn't something awful.

John got up and kissed her, they both felt their heart racing as if it were the day they confessed their love to each other.

"It's official now, we're engaged." John softly smiled.

"What are we going to tell the others?" She asked, feeling fluffy.

"Just be simple, they'll be happy for us...... well except Asslo. He's just going to disapprove." John mocks as if Arlo was a disappointed father.

"He will, you're funny sometimes." She giggled a bit.

"We better get back to the party then before anyone gets worried."

"For sure, let's go back in."

As of writing this, it's only just a few hours until I turn 18. I thought it would be fitting to end my childish teen hood by finishing the last chapter of the last unOrdinary book I have sitting.

It's been a journey alright, unOrdinary has been a HUGE part of my Wattpad writing career but I think I should finally once and for all put down the genre. Going forward I could have a eureka moment and write something else new, original or based on a something else, who knows.
I started writing unOrdinary fanfiction when I was very late 14 years old. Here I am now, my life's changed now and made good friends along the way.

It's time to be over, it's time.

Thank you all for this hell of ride.

Yours truly, the author to all of this madness. Emerson.

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