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-Chapter Two-


The song 'shut up and listen' by angelica bonin started to play as i made my way back to the bar. At least the songs are nice. I was annoyed and slightly regretting taking this job. As I was nearing the bar, I looked for the ginger guy who had served me earlier. Finally I saw him and surprisingly he wasn't busy, so I waved him over.

He came over with a suitable smirk on his face, "what do you want this time beautiful?" He questioned, and I shrugged. What I really wanted was my favorite champagne that was just stolen.

Thankfully Jazmine came to the rescue, "order a shot of hurricane" deciding to follow her order. I waited until the guy was close enough before ordering. He looked at me, his eyes squinting, then opening in realization before he turned to make my order. I waited in anticipation, wanting badly to see what this drink was.

In the meantime I waited, I scanned the club, a distinct feeling washed over me-the sensation of being watched intently. The weight of someone's gaze bore into your skin, sending shivers down your spine. It was an unsettling feeling, as if their eyes held a penetrating power, boring holes in my skin.

The ginger guy's voice pulled me out of my trance, "your drink Ms..." he let the words linger in the air allowing me to finish it, "Naomi, Ms Naomi" I finished slightly cringe. He chuckled before replying, "i know that's not your name but don't worry i won't say a thing" he takes a slight pause before leaning in resting his hands on the counter separating us. "That drink is non alcoholic but only you and I know that" he then leaned back to look me in the eyes before turning to serve some other girls who looked to be extremely drunk.

"Drink that to insure you don't get drunk" Jasmine's voice sounded in my ear again, i didn't respond she had really irritated me with her attitude earlier.

With my drink held tightly in my hand, I turned around on the stool, crossing my legs and leaning seductively onto the counter. Using my elbows as support, I scanned the club once more, the awareness of a lingering gaze sending a thrill through my body.

I needed to bring attention to myself so with that in mind I deliberately made my actions sexier than usual.

In a slow, sensual motion, I brought the glass to my lips, parting them ever so slightly to taste the liquid within. As I indulged in the exquisite sensation, my eyes were drawn to the balcony of the VIP section. And there he stood, an embodiment of raw sex appeal. Leaning over the balcony, his body exuded confidence, his forearm resting on the railing with an enticing balance. And in his hand, my drink-now a tantalizing prop in this encounter.

Locked in an intense gaze, a mischievous smirk danced at the corners of his lips. Raising my drink in the air, he tilted it towards me, a gesture that dripped with a provocative invitation. It was like a silent message, teasing and taunting, as if to say, "Come closer, and let the night take us to unimaginable heights." My thoughts ran wild at his actions.

Every movement was deliberate, every action a seductive dance. Slowly, he brought the glass to his own lips, his eyes never leaving mine.

I couldn't see his face perfectly from where i was but i damn well knew he was hot as fuck. He'd definitely be on my to-do list if I had one.

But I had to pull myself together, I had a job to finish and a character to uphold. When he had stolen my drink I was bold enough to follow after him even though his persona sent chills down my spine but that was me being me and I didn't know he was our guy then so this was different but regardless I had to uphold that character or he might suspect something.

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