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Pip had been acting strangely for the past ten minutes.

Candi had been watching her for almost half of that time. The day started out normally enough. Pip was her usual rock chick self; writing new music concepts for future shows, hanging out with guests that greeted her, and proposing ideas for shows to Dude. She even gave a quick guitar lesson to a young guest that was keen to learn. It was when it got to lunchtime that things started to change. Pip decided to eat a little earlier than usual. Her excuse being that planned to have burgers and didn't want to be too full for dinner time. Five minutes later and so far Pip hadn't eaten yet. Candi looked up from her book as she heard rummaging coming from the kitchen. Sprout was in the den with her, shuffling cards absentmindedly. Misty was upstairs, for once staying out of trouble. Dude was out of the house taking care of something in the Skyline, and Mimi and Bud were out too, doing some shopping in the town. Candi decided to check out the kitchen, Rainbow following her curiously.

All the cupboards and draws were open. The fridge was open and shut a few times, so was the freezer. Pop prowled around the kitchen, searching every nook and cranny that she could find. She even opened the oven and microwave in her frantic search. She apparently didn't notice Candi and Rainbow standing there. With every place coming up empty, she looked more frantic. Candi watched for a few minutes and decided that some intervention was required. Sprout and Misty were probably not a suitable option. And Bud and Mimi were still out in town at the moment. Best wait for Dude to come back.

Her prayers were answered after a minute as Dude finally came back. He looked relieved from finishing whatever job he was doing and just wanted a breather. Unfortunately, he won't get if for a few more minutes.

"Um...Dude?" Candi spoke up timidly.

"What's up?" Dude asked, giving Candi a calm smile.

"I think that something is wrong with Pip." She said uncertain, pointing towards the kitchen.

"What do you mean?" Dude asked again, this time looking concerned. Candi gently grabbed Dude's hand and pulled him to the kitchen. Just like Candi had done, he observed Pip's behaviour, with the rock chick still not noticing her audience. She just kept searching, now making something like a whining noise. Dude exchanged a glance with his fellow audience members, but only got a shrug from Candi and a confused whimper from Rainbow.

"Pip? Are you okay?" Dude finally asked, wanting to get to the bottom of this.

"Where are they?!" Pip shouted in desperation.

"Where's who?" Dude chuckled, trying to calm the air with some humour. Pip wasn't amused.

"Not who! What!" She growled, flashing her blue friend with wide, wild eyes. It was enough to stun Dude, making him take a step back. Rainbow and Candi took a subtle step back too, not sure how else to react. "Where are my burgers?!"

That's what this was all about? Dude facepalmed from this. Honestly he didn't know what to think right now. Pip was looking everywhere, but she somehow missed the most obvious place. Confidently, Dude treaded into the kitchen, skirting around Pip carefully. She watched him with starved eyes as he crossed over to the freezer. He opened it up, and started looking in the top drawer.

"Pip, calm down. I bought some yesterday. They're right..." he sighed, still unsure of how much tunnel vision that Pip had right now. However, his words paused almost immediately. He checked that one area and moved aside a couple of frozen food packets. "I could've sworn that I put them here."

"No, you didn't!" Pip protested.

"Yes, I did." Dude argued back calmly. He quickly turned to Pip and Candi. "Where's Bud? He saw me put them in here."

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