Fears: Misty

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This is was requested by Snowfalledits and jennypickle20.

Both of them sounded like it would be good to combine them together. Also I'm going to continue this as a mini series as a small experiment.


This was one of the few times aside from the Christmas period and most other holidays that the Skyline was closed. This gave the staff time with their families, and the resident Skyline Gang to relax. On days like this they could do whatever they wanted. Sometimes they went out for day trips or just hung around the Skyline. They even had a whole day spent in their pyjamas as an over exaggerated sleepover party since the weather was that terrible. This time they decided to stay a little closer to home. It was time for a day at the beach. No need to go too far, just jump across the road, pick a spot and just do whatever they wanted. The best part was that they went quite early so the beach was mostly quiet. Just a few early morning swimmers and a couple of dog walkers.

Dude started off with a short swim, but then ended up being caught up in a splash war with Candi, Pip and Sprout. Bud was with Rainbow exploring different rock pools and documenting what their findings were. Mimi was tanning, refusing to get her hair wet and full of sand. Misty was just sitting under a parasol that the Gang set up for some shade. She stayed safely perched on a towel, refusing to come off of it unless it was on her own terms.

Beaches weren't really her thing. She loathed sand. It just gets everywhere. There was also something rather unsettling about it. It wasn't serious, but she just felt a little uncomfortable whenever she ran on sand and her feet sunk in it. She always shook it off very quickly though. You can't just fall through sand unless it was quicksand, right? Anyway, she was outvoted in what the Gang wanted to do today. She wanted to check out a haunted house tour, while Mimi wanted to go to the stupid spa and Bud wanted to go to some dusty, boring museum. Everyone else decided on the beach and got to a small compromise.

After a couple of minutes, the splash war ended. The four participants called a truce and decided to take a break. Pip sat next to Mimi to have a quick chat about nothing in particular while helping herself to a drink from the cooler that the Gang brought. Candi, Dude and Sprout had wrapped themselves up in their dry robes for a bit, just unsure what to do for a minute. Then Dude decided to check on Bud and Rainbow, curious as to what their discoveries were. Misty didn't understand why Dude was such a nut for marine wildlife. It was just a bunch of fish. Nothing special. Candi and Sprout didn't join him, finding what he wanted to do boring as well.

"Let's build some sandcastles! I can go look for some shells!" Candi suddenly proposed. She loved building sandcastles. If she was lucky enough, she'd sometimes find tiny pieces of driftwood to play pretend as dolls. Sprout suddenly glanced at Misty. She had been sitting there on that towel doing nothing. Time to drag her into some fun, whether she wanted to or not.

"I've got a better idea! Let's bury Misty!" He announced, getting to the spot between where Misty was sitting and where Mimi was tanning. It was a gap of a few metres so it shouldn't bother Mimi too much. Misty smirked at the idea. Okay, she'll play along for a minute. She still hated sand. So once Sprout buried her, she'll just burst out and chase him as payback.

Suddenly, as Sprout started to dig a small pit for Misty to lie in, her heart rate spiked! She started to sweat a little, but it wasn't from the heat of the day. Her pupils dilated a little as she found it hard to breathe. Something felt awfully wrong. Was she afraid? No, she can't be afraid! She's a mischief maker, she isn't supposed to be afraid of anything. Sure she's had a couple of scares before, but nothing this bad. It was like the only thing she ever knew was being afraid in just a split second.

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