Fears: Candi

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WARNING! This one shot does contain minor spoilers from "Trial of Darkness". If you haven't read the chapters 18 and 19 yet, please do so now. Thank you and enjoy.

Candi honestly felt very ill. It wasn't like a normal cold or flu. It was very different from a normal bug that she would pick up from anywhere.

There was to be a photoshoot of her and the others today on the high ropes course. They had been doing various shoots like this for the past couple of months throughout the Skyline. It was mainly to help promote the different facilities a little bit. So far everything went well. The photographer that they hired was lovely to get along with and always listened when there were any concerns. Like when the weather suddenly took a bad turn that one time and they all decided to do an indoor location instead of one outside like originally planned. Or when Mimi had that bad stomach ache and couldn't be part of a shoot (much to her extreme disappointment). There was nothing but patience and understanding. They really liked the photographer and couldn't be grateful enough to have her services.

However, today was different.

Candi knew the location for the shoot today. But what changed was the photographer. Their usual one suddenly called in sick the day before and there was going to be a replacement for her. That's fine. It's just if he or she knew that Candi had a certain...problem so to speak. Dude reassured her countless times that the new photographer should know since their boss and the usual photographer notified them. Everything should be fine, right?

"You okay, Candi?" Sprout suddenly asks. Candi snapped out of her dizzying state at that second. The others had gone on far ahead, while both siblings stayed at the back. Sprout more for support while Candi suffered from her stomach ache.

"Um..." Candi whimpered, looking at the structure up ahead. They were a few feet away, making it look smaller than it really was. She was trembling again, her chest feeling tight. Sprout recognised the signs instantly. Brother instincts kicked in. He hurriedly took over, turning Candi around gently as he looped an arm around her shoulders.

"Candi, it's okay. We know that you won't go up there." He smiled brightly. It was enough to help Candi to calm down. "We'll just have some pictures on solid ground, then the rest of us will go up around the course. You can wander around the Skyline or something like that, you don't have to watch us."

"Thanks Sproutie." Candi returned a shaky smile. Yeah. While the others continue the photoshoot, she can go occupy herself. Maybe she'll assist the Redcoats. Or play with the children. Or walk Rainbow somewhere. Anything to shake off this awful feeling.

"Anything for my sister! Now let's go!" Sprout grinned. He'd honestly be lying if he said that he didn't feel better himself. He hated it when Candi got like that. She was always bright and cheerful. Seeing her looking that dizzy was abnormal, maybe even close to criminal. Maybe Sprout will get her a pink plushie to make her feel better. Who cares is she's got dozens more? She might as well be earning one for being this close to the high ropes course.

Thankfully, Candi didn't have to wait too long. Once the others were harnessed up and give the safety briefing (and Dude preventing Misty from getting started halfway through said briefing), the photographer arrived. Honestly, Candi got a bad feeling the second she saw him. He just gave off this flare of arrogance and pompous attitude. He was a little rude too. Instead of a polite hello, as soon as he saw everyone else in harnesses and done with the safety briefing, he said "perfect! We can get started!"

He made everyone else think that he was some form of paparazzi or something until Dude asked him who he was. Once there was a confirmation, the photoshoot went underway. Things were starting out fine. They were all under the structure, taking different photos. This is fine. They're on solid ground. It was when the ground shots were over that the problems started. As everyone started to go up, Candi took that as a sign to evacuate herself to safety. Maybe she'll watch for a little bit. If she feels queasy, she'll do something else like she had planned.

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