Headcannons part 3 because I'm dealing with writers block right now

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I am trying to write the next segment for the "Fears" saga, but I've got nothing right now. Hopefully I'll get back into it soon.

In his free time, if he's not playing basketball, Dude goes to a parkour gym. Sometimes he takes Pip if she is interested in trying something different (I don't know why but I can kind of see Pip doing some parkour)

Candi will more than likely the one that Misty is the most honest with because Candi can often feel Misty's emotions if they're strong enough.

Mimi has an older sister who has a career in modelling.

If Pip is drawing someone, she tries to avoid drawing hands.

Sprout knows first aid after having grown up in a circus.

Bud loathes techno and rap music because both genres tend to give him a sensory overload.

Bud carries a fidget toy in his pocket to help keep him calm. It's more of the weight than it is the fidgeting that helps.

If Rainbow buries a bone, he often forgets where he's buried it. He has buried too many to count.

Candi has a faint scar on her knee from a bike accident she had as a child.

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