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One of my headcannons is that Mimi has an older sister. And here she is! Enjoy!




Oh! This looks fabulous!

That was Mimi's thought process as she looked at her phone. It was one of the few times where everyone can relax. Mimi's term for relaxing was shopping or looking up the latest fashion trends. Just anything to keep her looking fabulous 24/7 and keep up her own self esteem. Of course she can't be as beautiful as one other person in her life, but she doesn't mind being in second place. For now.

Mimi was looking at a jacket that would be fabulous with a dress when her screen suddenly changed. Her phone now flashed up with a photograph of a young woman. She looked like she could be Mimi, but older. Her blonde hair was much longer and impossibly sparkling like she was a real life cartoon character. Her blue eyes dazzled and was partnered with a stunning smile. Her hair was perfect. Her make up was perfect. Her clothes and everything else about her looked perfect. Was Mimi jealous? Yes. But it was only a little bit of envy. After all, why should she let jealously affect the relationship she has with her older sister? She hadn't heard from her for so long. She's been so busy. And now she wants a video call! This is just fabulous!

"Hi, Mini Me!" Mimi's sister flashed her smile as she appeared on the screen.

"Margaret! I'm not five anymore!" Mimi playfully pouted. Honestly, she loved that nickname. It was something that helped her self confidence even more. She looked up to her sister. Margaret was a famous model. She's travelled the world, doing photo shoots, strutting runways, featured in magazines and even had small appearances in a couple of movies and TV shows. Margaret was her fashion idol growing up. She always had this special power to look beautiful, even at her worst. She's just perfect. And the best part, she wasn't vain about it and even helped Mimi with her own sense of style and make up before Mimi started living at the Skyline. They are best friends, and Mimi couldn't ask for anything better.

"Where are you right now?" Mimi asked excitedly.

"Currently, I'm in London." Margaret grinned, showing off the high class hotel room that she was staying in. "I managed to visit Mum and Dad a few hours ago and now I'm at the hotel at Heathrow. I'll be flying out to Spain tomorrow for a shoot."

"That's amazing!" Mimi smiled back. Her smile faded a little. "You're always so busy. I'm glad that you were able to find the time to call." As much as Mimi was proud of her sister for her career, she hated how much Margaret travelled for work. She saw so little of her, so when she gets video calls like this, she praised every second she had. Who knows when she would get a call lie, this again?

"I know, Mimi. I miss you too." Margaret said sadly, the dazzle in her eyes dimming a bit. She brightened up however when she decided to change the subject. "So, how are things where you are? All good in the Skyline?"

Mimi brightened up again. She spoke enthusiastically about her adventures, the shows, the time she spends with her friends, all of it. Margaret encouraged her to keep talking. Just anything to get her mind off the loneliness she had from not being with her sister. They went back and forth in their conversation, laughing and talking freely about anything from fashion tips, to small rants about nothing in particular.

A quiet knock was heard on Mimi's door. Dude opened it, but he couldn't see that Mimi was busy with a call. He mouthed an apology before he started to leave.

"Oh! Dude! Come here! I want you to meet someone!" Mimi called after him, beckoning him erratically to come over. Dude raised an eyebrow but complied. Once he sat down, Mimi shared the screen between them. "Margaret, this is Dude. And Dude this is my sister Margaret."

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