Fears: Sprout

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Trigger warning for implications of verbal, mental, and emotional abuse.

This was also inspired by a short that I've seen on YouTube.

"You're coddling him."

"It's not coddling if he's afraid of them. It's okay, honey."

"Son, hold out your hand. Just hold it out."


"He's going to have to learn to not be childish!"

"He's three years old! He's allowed to be a child for goodness sake! We're going to Carla's trailer! You can't do this to him!"

Sprout's eyes snapped open. Why did he have to be disturbed? He was having a nice nap. After not having a good sleep the night before, he thought that it would be refreshing to have a nap for an hour or so. Then he had that nasty dream. Though, now that he thought about it, that wasn't a dream, it was a memory. One of many that he'd be happy to trade for. At least he's making better ones everyday since those bad times now. How long has he been asleep for? He'll need to get up...

On the other hand, he can get away with sleeping for a little longer. Yeah! He can sleep a bit more! He can get away with that! If someone asks for him, he'll just say that his alarm didn't go off (even though he didn't have an alarm).

Wait! What's that?

Crawling on his arm?

Sprout's eyes drifted to his arm that was outstretched on his pillow.


"Want a cuppa, Bud?" Pip asked, peeking her head into the dining room.

"That would be nice of you, Pip. Thank you." Bud muttered, readjusting the table top magnifying glass in front of him. On the table before him was also a small device that he was working on. Normally he'd be working on his machines in his room, but he felt like having a small change. Besides, this wasn't as delicate as it appeared. Even if Misty were to burst in and prank him suddenly it wouldn't cause too much of a hindrance. Rainbow was lying down next to him. He had taken interest in what Bud was doing, but after a while, he got bored and fell asleep. With Sprout also taking a nap and everyone else doing their own things outside of the house, it created the perfect environment for him in the dining room.


All at once, everyone was in a buzz. Pip almost dropped the still boiling kettle, splashing hot water on the countertop. Rainbow snapped wide awake, jumping to all four of his paws. Bud's tools went flying from his hands as he clamped them over his ears.

So much for peace and quiet...

"What the blazes was that?!" Bud exclaimed, trying his best to stay calm.

"That came from upstairs!" Pip shouted, dashing into the kitchen.

"Sprout!" Rainbow barked, dashing out of the room.

"Sprout?" Pip echoed with a raised eyebrow. Then, as Rainbow could be heard going upstairs, her eyes widened a little as she remembered something. "Sprout!" How could she forget that he was taking a nap?! Pip and Bud chased after Rainbow. The large dog was pawing desperately at the door handle of the green door. He was trying desperately to get the door to open. He had done so once before, only it was quite a while ago now. He heard the two humans following him and stepped back from the door. Best leave it to those with opposable thumbs.

"Sprout! What happened?!" Pip asked, opening the door as wide as possible. The bed was in disarray and empty. Sprout was perched on his VERY cluttered desk, just managing to find enough space for him to stand on. He was hunched over in it, trying to stay as far as he could from the bed.

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