Chapter 1

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P.S. Im sorry for this but I've changed the song like 5 times, first it was a lovely night, then it was out of my league and now its Perfect by One Direction. For if you didn't read the updated chapter, now you know!!

The black phone 2 was announced and the cast was back together, nothing could go wrong right?


Y/n and Miguel could go wrong.

"Okay guys, on set for the first movie, it almost got ruined by Miguel and y/n. Anyone got ideas?" Tristan asked.

Tristan, Maddy, Mason, Jacob and Brady had met up to discuss the situation.

"What if we just let them completely ignore eachother?" Mason suggested.

"We tried that last time dipshit." Brady said.

"Sorry." Mason apologized.

"Dude im not spending another 10 hours a day watching those 2 argue off screen just to watch them kiss on screen." Jacob said.

"That was a cute kiss tho." Maddy said.

"Agreed." Mason replied.

"Guys, ideas." Tristan said.

"Wait.." Maddy started.

Everyone looked at her with wondering eyes.

"My parents have a house in Miami. What if we go there for a week. Us five and them." Maddy said.

"Okay? And?" Tristan asked.

"What if we like.. Pretend that they like eachother. Like we go around the house having conversations while they are in the room like 'oh Miguel definitely likes y/n but he doesn't know to tell her.'"Maddy said.

"Like.. Anyone but you them?" Tristan asked.

"Oh i knew it sounded familiar!" Mason said.

"Okay so are we gonna do it?" Maddy asked.

"Im in." Tristan said. He put his hand out.

"Me too." Mason said, putting his hand on Tristan's.

"Well i gave the idea so.." Maddy said. She put her hand on the pile.

The three looked at Jacob and Brady.

"Fuck it." Brady said, he put his hand on Maddy's.

The four were now looking at Jacob.

"Alright, but if it goes wrong, i was never apart of this." He said.

"Yes yes!" Maddy replied.

Jacob put his hand on the others.

"One, two, three!" Maddy said.

All their hands went in the air.

"To Anyone but you!" Mason yelled.

"And to y/n and Miguel!" Tristan said.

"To the two idiots were gonna Anyone But You!" Mason yelled.

The five collapsed on the couch in laughter.

To anyone but you. And the two idiots who are gonna live it.


Anyone but you, Miguel Cazarez MoraWhere stories live. Discover now