Chapter 8

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"I'd like to make a toast!" Maddy said, standing up and dinging her knife against her glas of fanta.

"I am so glad, i get to make another movie will you guys. I missed you these past 2 years and im so glad there will finally be a second movie. To the black phone 2!" She said.

"To the black phone 2!" Everyone repeated, putting their glasses in the air.

Maddy sat down.

"Can i ask you a favor?" She asked y/n, who was sitting next to her.

"Depends." Y/n replied, eating a bite of salad.

"Could you and Mikey maybe be nice to eachother this trip, and maybe also not destroy even more furniture?" Maddy asked.

"Yeah, i mean.. If Mikey's nice to me ill be nice to him. I don't have to respect someone who doesn't respect me." Y/n said, glancing over at Miguel. Who'd been nice to her almost this whole night. (But probably just cuz of her dress)

"Hey man, can i ask you to do one thing?" Tristan asked Miguel.

"Yeah, what's going on?" Miguel asked.

The 2 were standing in the kitchen, cleaning up the dishing Tristan had made while cooking. The rest was in the garden, sitting on a couch while Brady tried to start a campfire.

"Can you and uhh y/n be nice to eachother this trip and maybe throughout filming?" Tristan asked.

Miguel thought for a second. Wait.. Wasn't he being nice already? Did y/n complain about him once again? She'd done it before it wouldn't surprise him.

"Why?" He asked.

"Just.. I don't wanna like.. Ruin this trip. Or destroy Maddy's beach house. And I don't want to be worried about you two murdering eachother every minute im on set." Tristan explained.

Miguel looked at him. He saw a genuine look in his eyes. Maybe she didn't complain? Then again, Tristan's an actor.

"Uhm yeah sure. I mean if she's nice to me ill be nice to her." Miguel said.

"Great." Tristan smiled.

Miguel looked over at y/n, who was laughing with Maddy. Fuck she looked good in that dress.

"Game time!" Mason said.

"Were gonna be playing that one game where ur in groups." Maddy started.

"But for us in duo's." Mason said.

"And then there is one person who gives you a word and you have to explain to the other one what it is without talking." Maddy explained.

"Both of us forgot what its called." Mason said, smiling.

Maddy slapped his arm and he looked at her with puppy eyes.

"Ugh, sorry." She said.

He smiled again.

"And were gonna do it about movies." Maddy said.

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