Chapter 5

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"That is stunning." Maddy said.

The girls were standing in y/n's room, wearing their matching black dresses.
Maddy's was short sleeved, but it had puffy sleeves. It was untill just above her knees. It covered most her front but it was pretty low around her neckline.

If you looked at Maddy, you'd think 'a pretty girl in a pretty dress.'

Now y/n's dress was a little different. It was untill just under her knees with the bottom a little ruffled. It was made of silk and didn't have sleeves. It was a spaghetti strap dress with a neckline that perfectly shaped around her boobs. Which Maddy has told her looked amazing in the dress.

If you looked at y/n, you'd think 'i wonder what she looks like under that.'

"Fuck that, you are stunning." Maddy corrected.

"Oh your one to talk, im so surprised no guy has fallen head over heels in love with you." Y/n replied, stepping back.

Maddy looked at herself in the mirror.

"I don't love the shoulders but its okay." She said.

"Your shoulders are perfect, just like you are. Don't judge yourself so much Maddy. Your beautiful." Y/n told her.

Maddy turned around, looking at y/n. "Thank you." She said.

"Just telling the truth." Y/n replied, smiling. The girls hugged eachother.

"Knock, knock." They heard Mason say.

"Come in!" Y/n yelled.

"I need to borrow Maddy." Mason said as he opened the door.

"Coming." Maddy said.

Maddy walked away and closed the door. Y/n sat down at her vanity, she grabbed her highlighter and put a little extra on her nose. Unsure if she did look as gorgeous in her dress as Maddy told her she did.

She got up and walked towards the kitchen, her short black heels klicking on the floor as she did.

"Hey." Brady said.

"Oh hey." Y/n replied.

"Where's the rest?" She asked.

"They all went into Tristan's room, he told Miguel to watch the food but he had to pee so i got me to watch the food instead." Brady said.

"Why would they ask him to watch the food?" Y/n asked, insinuating she thought he was a bad cook.

"Well, Tristan's already made everything so its just stirring and watching and also, he makes an amazing grilled cheese." Brady defended.

"Ah yes, grilled cheese. A meal with an entirety of two ingredients." Y/n joked.

"Three, you forgot the butter." Brady said.

"Hm." Y/n said.

She looked at the salad, eyeing a piece of cucumber. She slowly got it out, making sure to not touch the rest of the salad.

"Didn't i hear Miguel tell you to wear that dress?"

"Guys, the plans going okay so far but we need to plan ahead." Maddy said.

"Yeah, we couldn't even get Brady here." Mason said.

"Okay so, right now would be the start dinner. In which Ben and Bea destroy the flower thing." Tristan said.

"Y/n and Miguel will definitely destroy something two." Jacob said.

"Like, without a doubt." Tristan added.

"Even further ahead then tonight. In the movie they start their plan tomorrow. 2 people fail and then the mom asks them to get the glasses." Maddy said.

"Yeah and then they start fake dating." Tristan replied.

"But wait we need them to start actually dating." Jacob said.

"Yeah they end up actually dating in the movie Jacob." Maddy replied.

"Uhm.. Maddy?" Mason asked.

"Yeah?" Maddy replied.

"When you say plan ahead.. You mean plan so far ahead to invite their Margaret and Jonathan?" Mason asked.

"You invited Javon and Nathi!?" The other three yelled.


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