Chapter 4

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"Heyyy!! My favorite enemies!" Brady said.

"That's us!" Miguel laughed in a passive aggressive way as he elbowed y/n in her side.

"Fuck you." She said.

"See that hasn't changed." Brady laughed.

"I was trying to sleep but this asshole was snoring so loud I couldn't!" Y/n complained.

"Ugh lets just go." Miguel sighed.

Miguel and y/n took their luggage and followed Brady to the car.

"This is a nice car." Y/n said, placing her suitcase in the trunk. A huge grin plastered on her face looking at the huge range rover.

"Yeah, and the top can open up." Brady said.

"Aaaa this is gonna be awesome!" Y/n schrieked.

Miguel laughed.

She looked at him confused and his smile faded.

"Lets ride." Brady said, sitting down and starting the car.

Y/n was sitting in the back while Miguel was sitting in the front.

They drove outside and the sun was shining.

"Hey open the roof." Y/n joked.

Brady hit a button and the roof opened.

"Hah!" Y/n screamed.

The three laughed.

The wind was flowing in their hair as the smell of sea washed over them.

Cue perfect.

"I fucking love miami!" Y/n screamed as she threw her hands in the air.

About 20 minutes later, they arrived at Maddy's house.

"Hey!!" Maddy said as her and Mason walked outside.

"Hi!!" Y/n replied, getting out of the car to go hug her.

"Hey what's up man." Miguel said, dabbing Mason up.

"Do you guys even show emotion." Y/n joked as she stood with her arm around Maddy.

"Yeah, just not around you." Miguel replied.

"Oh guys im sorry, i forgot to tell you this but uhm we don't have enough rooms and you guys will have to share one." Maddy said.

"What!?" Miguel yelled.

"I refuse." Y/n replied.

"I'd rather jump off of a fucking building." Miguel said.

"Me too!" Y/n said.

Mason laughed and then Maddy did too.

"Im just kidding guys." Maddy said.

"Oh my fucking god don't even joke about that!" Y/n said, she punched Maddy's arm.

"Sorry." She said.

"You should've seen your faces!" Mason laughed.

"Oh my god i hate you guys." Miguel groaned.

Brady walked up to them, holding their baggages.

"Your rooms are actually the ones furthest away from eachother." He said, giving them their bags.

"Thank god." Y/n said.

Miguel and y/n walked into the house.

"Little do they know that's part of the plan." Maddy laughed.

"So when they sleep toge-" Mason started.

"That's enough Mason." Brady cut him off.

Y/n flopped down on her bed.

"Guys dinner in 30 minutes!!" Tristan yelled.

Ugh god was she tired. If y/n could, she'd go to sleep and never wake up. If that didn't mean death, obviously.

She got back up and opened her luggage, wondering what to put on.

She picked up her phone and called Maddy, who picked up immediately.

"You know were in the same house right, you can just walk 20 feet to get to me." She said.

"Yeah, whatever. Come to my room i need your help to pick out an outfit."
Y/n said, getting 2 dresses from her suitcase.

"Who you dressing up for?" Maddy asked, laughing.

Y/n could hear her footsteps trough the phone, and then heard a knock on her door.

She hung up.

"Come in!" She said.

She got up, expecting Maddy. But when the dorm opened it was none other then Miguel.

"What the fuck are you doing in here!?" Y/n yelled.

"Do you know which rooms Mason's?" Miguel asked.

"First one in front of the stairs." Y/n replied.

"Thanks." Miguel said.

"And you should wear the black one." He added, closing the door.

Y/n smiled to herself as he walked away. She couldn't look at him the same way she used to, before she knew he listened to one direction. It humanised him in a way. But she was most like gonna use this against him one day.

She looked at the 2 dresses hanging from her closet, the black one was more revealing. Hm. Hm.

Another knock.

"Come in!" Y/n said.

This time it was Maddy.

"Hey!" She said.

"Hiii!!" Y/n replied.

"Why did i just see Mikey walk way from your room?" Maddy asked.

"He was asking where Mason's room was, now help me choose." Y/n said.

"Wait im gonna go get my own dress, we can see if they look good together." Maddy replied, walking out of y/n's room.

Y/n watched as Maddy walked away and then looked at the dresses again. She did like the black one better, but wearing it would mean she did what Miguel told her to do. Which she obviously didn't want to do.


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