Chapter 7

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"I can't hear what they're saying-" Y/n complained.

"Maybe you'd be able to hear them if you'd shut up yourself." Miguel growled.

"Ugh." Y/n said.

She leaned against the door with her back and crossed her arms.

"Oh your actually gonna be that childish now?" Miguel asked.

"Im not being childish." Y/n replied.

"You crossed your fucking arms after an argument thats so childish!" Miguel said.

"We said a whole ass amount of three sentences, how the fuck was that an argument?" Y/n replied.

She got up from the door, and started slowly walking backwards.

"We weren't agreeing, thats arguing. Just like this is!" Miguel said, he started walking forwards.

"Would you actually just shut the fuck up for onc- FUCK-" Y/n yelled.

She fell backwards, she hadn't realised there was a plant behind her.

Miguel caught her hand with her before she hit the floor. But the plant wasn't so lucky.

It fell on the floor, the pot was intact but there was so much dirt it made you wonder if there was even a floor under it.

"Fucking hell-" Miguel yelled.

Y/n pulled herself up by Miguel's hand. When she did, the two were standing very close together.


The tension, the eye contact, the hands still holding eachother, the lighting, the outfits. Was he gonna?.

Miguel let y/n's hand go.

No he was not.

He sank to his knees and so did y/n. She grabbed the pot and put it back upright.

"Help me!" Y/n whisper yelled.

Miguel started scooping up dirt but lost half of it.

"Dude just put it in there!" Y/n said.

Miguel groaned as he picked up some more dirt. "This is disgusting." He said.

"Oh what ur huge ego can't handle doing a normal task, shut the fuck up Mora." Y/n shot back.

The door opened and the other five came out.

Miguel and y/n froze.

"Heyyyyy guyssss.." Y/n said.

"What did you do?" Maddy asked.

"I fell over the uhm.. plant." Y/n replied.

"Just clean it up and get ready for dinner." Maddy sighed.

"Yes ma'am." Miguel said.

Y/n gave him a blank stare.

The five others walked away.

"Ma'am?" She asked.

He sighed.

Y/n laughed.

"Shut up Evans." Miguel snickered.

Mason and Tristan walked to the garden together.

"I really thought something else was happening." Mason said.

"You and me both brother." Tristan replied as the two laughed.


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