Chapter 18

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Miguel walked in the kitchen after seeing Y/n and Javon. Something about them together made him angry. Like really angry, like he'd punch the wall if it didn't mean the wall would-

"Hey!" Nathi said, interrupting his pretty violent way of thinking at the moment.

"Hey." Miguel replied. He plastered a fake smile on his face, hoping she wouldn't realize.

"Come sit." She said, she patted the kitchen island and Miguel walked over.

"Whats up?" Miguel asked, sitting down.

"Do you want some coffee?" She asked

"Uh yeah sure." Miguel replied.

Nathi poured him a cup and gave it to him.

"Wow- That is.. Really good." Miguel said, taking a sip.

"We Brazilians make our coffee better." Nathi replied. Took a seat infront of him.

"I was thinking of going for a run later, wanna join?" She asked.

"Im uhm actually gonna hang out with Y/n later so i don't think i can." Miguel replied.

"Shes a little sweet on you isn't she?" Nathi smiled.

"Oh you noticed yeah. Uhm, how long have you and Dante been together?" Miguel asked.

"Together? No." She laughed.

Miguel looked confused.

"We're not together just uhm.. yknow like a skip between actual love. Im looking for something less casual more romantic." She added.

Miguel nodded, not completely sure what to reply.

"Why were you and i never officially a thing?" She asked, she leaned forward on the island.

"Oh I don't know, maybe because you thought i was an 'immature moron smothered in axe deodorant.'"

Nathi laughed and leaned in. She placed her head in his shoulder and inhaled.

"Well, atleast you're not coved in axe deodorant anymore." She smiled.

Miguel scoffed and laughed.

"Y/n is a lucky girl."

Miguel took a huge sip of coffee. The cup touched his nose. Nathi noticed and quickly wiped the coffee from his nose.

"Oh-" Miguel started.

"Y/n! Y/n i swear to god-" Miguel was growling as he was knocking on the door.

She opened the door.

"What?" She asked.

Miguel quickly shoved past her into her room.

Y/n closed the door behind her. "Well hello to you too."

"Nathi thinks were together." Miguel said, he was clearly freaked out.

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