Chapter 17

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"So what's up?" Miguel asked Dante. He purposely checked out Y/n's ass as she walked away. Truth was, he liked it.

"Uh, nothing much. Just wanted to talk about N." Dante replied.

"And N is Nathi?" Miguel asked.

"Yeah, how else are you gonna shorten Nathi?" Dante asked.

"Nathi's already a nickname." Miguel said.

But in reality, Miguel's heart dropped. Why would he want to talk about her?

"Anyway, happy for you two." Miguel said. He walked over to the outside showers.

"Well im just a little confused. Because when we started dating she said she was looking for like a long time thing and i was like 'hm, no thanks im a teen' but now im like, can't believe im saying this but im, in love with her and she told me she thinks of us as a fling."

"Oh, do you know why?" Miguel asked, getting under the shower.

"I don't know, but i think you have something to do with it." Dante said.

"What?" Miguel asked, baffled.

"I think that N was looking for something serious because she was in a talking stage with you and she wanted you two to be serious but then she met me and you left and now im not good enough for her so she doesn't want anything serious." Dante explained.

"Okay yeah that could be true but that's something you should ask Nathi.

"I already asked her and she told me she wanted to have a hot girl summer." Dante replied.

"Okay, so let her have that?" Miguel said.

"Wow no need to get rude." Dante replied.

Rude? The fuck did he mean by rude?

"Im not being-" Miguel started.

"No i get you. You're tryna make N jealous by dating Y/n, well I'll tell you what Miguel. I don't even like N so if you want, you can have them both."

"Okay Dante. With a guy like you, your ego is supposed to be the size of your dick. Right now, its the size of mine. You need to lower who you think you are because you are currently a stupid teenage boy in a house full of people ten times as successful as you. These people are the ones who your kids are gonna look up to if you're ever even gonna find a woman who wants to have them with you. So treat me, and the rest of the people who are gods compared to you with respect, or I'll goddamn make you."

Dante looked like he'd seen a ghost. "Uhm, what?"

"You heard me fuckface."

He scurried away like a scared child.

"Fucking dickhead." Miguel murmured to himself.

"Hey." Javon said, he was blowing up floaties next to the pool.

Y/n was walking by, drinking lemonade. "Hey."

"Can we talk?" He said.

Her heart dropped. Why the fuck would he want to talk to her? What would he have to say?

"Uhm, sure." Y/n said.

She placed her lemonade on the table and sat down at the bench next to where Javon was sitting on the floor.

"Still deciding if you wanna write your own movie?" He asked.

"You know me, im always to lazy to start doing something. Also im a shit writer." Y/n replied.

"Still having second thoughts?"

"Im on third thoughts actually." She laughed.

"I know its weird, me being here. But believe me, i had nothing to do with it. Maddy duped me, she got me first class." Javon said.

"That's sweet, your like apart of the family."
Y/n replied.

It was quiet for a few seconds.

"I'd be lying if i said i haven't been thinking about you." He said.

"Yeah me two." Y/n replied, but it didn't sound convincing. She's been trying to convince herself she's not over him but i mean, why would you wanna think that and how can you convince someone you still like them if you don't even know yourself?

"How long have you and Miguel been uh.." Javon started.

Y/n didn't let him finish that sentence. She didn't wanna know what Javon thought was going on. "Its kinda new. But like i already knew him so not that new." She replied.

Jeez even thinking of Miguel gave her butterflies, what the hell was going on?

"Well i think he's great."

"No you don't."

"No i really don't."

Y/n laughed and so did Javon.

"Thanks for like, being cool about all of this. I mean not just this but like," She pointed at him and then at herself. "This too."

"Its really good to see you Y/n."

"Im glad you're here."

The two smiled at each other.

Miguel walked onto the first floor balcony. Looking over the beach and the garden.

Then he saw Y/n laughing with Javon.

Why was she laughing with that dude? She should've been laughing with him!

And why did that make him angry?


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