Chapter 14

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"No, no, no, no. You ran away that night y/n." Miguel said.

"Hmm.. Yeah but that was just cuz i had a boyfriend." Y/n said. Her voice was still in a flirty tone.

A wave crashed against the boat and Miguel held onto the flag pole for support.

Y/n walked closer to him, holding onto the pole too. One of her hands on his bare chest.

"But who says I wouldn't like that now im single?" She asked.

"You. Everytime you say you hate me. Which is daily." Miguel said.

Y/n raised her eyebrows.

Miguel sighed and tried not to look at her. Which was hard for him.

"Fine. Im in." He said.

"Great!" Y/n replied.

"But how do we convince people were together? I mean, with our past." Miguel said.

"Uhm, privately that's still the present Mora. Also, were actors. And we've played carecters that date." Y/n replied.

"Maybe this won't be so hard." Miguel said.

"Maybe not." Y/n replied.

She stepped away from him and bent down to grab the glasses.

"But just so you'd know, I'd rather drown then date you." She smiled.

Y/n jumped in the water.

"Hey wait for me!"

"Okay, okay, whoever wants to go on our hike, we need to leave now!" Maddy said.

"Coming!" Brady yelled, he threw his bag around his shoulder.

Tristan walked into the kitchen, mug in hand, in his pjs and a major morning face. "Wait we were going hiking?"

"Dude." Maddy sighed.

"Eh it's not like I'd wanna come anyway." He added.

Brady laughed.

"Mase?" Maddy asked.

"Yea im in here!" Mason yelled from the pantry.

"What are you even doing in there?" Maddy asked.

"Getting some granola bars." Mason said.

"Hey guys!" Y/n said, walking into the kitchen. Holding hands with Miguel.

"Hey!" Maddy said.

"Wait-" Brady started.

"Cmon babe im gonna get a yogurt for a quick breakfast." Miguel said.

"Okay, im getting coffee." Y/n replied.

"Babe?" Maddy asked.

Anyone but you, Miguel Cazarez MoraWhere stories live. Discover now