Chapter 10

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As y/n cried in her room, eating away her feelings while she still heard arguing outside she heard a knock.

"No." She said.

"I don't care, im coming in." She heard someone say.

It was Miguel.

"Go away." She said.

"No." Miguel replied as he sat down at the side of her bed.

It was quiet for a few seconds.

"Sorry." He said.

"For what?" Y/n asked.

"Seriously Y/n? You're seriously asking what im sorry for?" Miguel asked.

"I mean.." She replied.

"Im sorry for calling you fat. Ur not, ur beautiful." He started.

"Fat people can be beautiful too." Y/n said.

"Yes! Yes i agree but i just.. Me personally I wouldn't wanna get called fat so im sorry i called you it." Miguel replied.

"Its okay." Y/n replied, she had a soft smile on her face.

"Its kinda not tho." Miguel said.

"Well ur still an asshole but thank you for apologizing." Y/n laughed.

Miguel stood up. "No problem, ur my best enemy." He said.

"What?" Y/n asked.

"Best enemy. Like a best friend but, enemy." Miguel explained.

"Alright goodbye Miguel Moron." Y/n replied.

"Bye Evans." Miguel said as he walked away.

When he walked out the room y/n screamed in her pillow. "Fuck i hate him!" She yelled into it.

"Wait- Guys, guys! Fuck!" Mason yelled as everyone around him argued.

"What Mason?" Maddy asked, an annoyed tone in her voice.

"Nathi." Mason said, pointing to a girl walking on the beach.

"Oh fuck." Brady said.

They all looked at her, she was wearing just a bikini as she walked over the beach holding hands with the guy she'd dumped Miguel for, Dante.

"Oh my god-" Maddy said.

"Mason you weren't kidding." Jacob said.

"Really wasn't, Javon's coming over at 1." Mason replied.

"Oh dude this trip might kill us." Tristan said.

"Or y/n and Miguel will." Maddy added.

"What's going on?" Miguel asked, he'd just came back.

"Uhm.. There's someone on the beach.." Mason explained.

Miguel ran to the patio edge, looking over the beach. Then he saw her. He immediately turned around.

"What the fuck is Nathi doing here?" He asked.

"Her new boyfriend lives here in Miami and she's visiting him." Maddy replied.

"She's got a new one?" Miguel asked.

Brady nodded.

"Guys. It's fine, im over her." Miguel said.

"You aren't man." Mason replied.

"Yeah ur right im not but i mean.. She's happy and.. I can't do anything to ruin that." Miguel said.

"Oh yeah, cuz you seemed to be pretty okay with ruining y/n's happiness." Maddy mumbled.

"Okay that's fair but that's different." Miguel said.

"No, its not. Y/n and Nathi are both beautiful girls who don't deserve to have their feelings hurt." Maddy explained.

The rest of the guys nodded.

"With y/n its playful okay?" Miguel said.

"Didn't seem very playful this morning when she ran to the kitchen for food because you told her she was fat." Tristan spat out.

Miguel sighed.

"Didn't seem very playful how she used to cry after set sometimes because you were such a dick." Maddy added.

"Didn't seem very playful-" Mason started.

"Yeah i get it." Miguel groaned.

"Look guys with y/n, she's just as mean back. Nathi's nice to me. Y/n isn't. I give then what they give me." Miguel said.

"So if y/n was giving you head you'd-" Brady started.

"What the fuck." Y/n said. A disgusted look on her face.

And then Mickey came running.

Y/n had left the door open and the dog ran out.

"Mickey!" Maddy yelled.

The door was sprinting towards the water.

"Just let him run." Jacob said.

"NATHI!" Maddy yelled.

Nathi sat down in the sand, Dante next to her.

"Fuck." Y/n said.

The teens ran towards the end of the patio, all screaming trying to get Nathi's attention.

"Nathi!" Miguel yelled.

He jumped over the patio and started running towards Nathi and Dante, but he wasn't able to keep up with his dog.

Y/n looked at the floor, not wanting to see how Nathi was most likely gonna get jumped by a dog.

Then she saw what was laying next to her feet, a tennisbal.

She picked it up and whistled with her fingers behind her teeth.

"Mickey!" She yelled.

The dog turned his head as he kept running.

Y/n threw the ball to the right side of Nathi, a few feet away from her. As hard as she could.

Mickey ran off his path, chasing the ball.

Miguel stopped running and turned around. He saw the group applauding y/n.

He looked at her, and she looked back.

She smiled.

He couldn't help but smile back.

She was contagious. Everything she felt, he felt too. Secretly he loved that. Whenever she was happy, he was too. When she was sad, he felt bad. Mostly because he was the one causing her sadness. When she was angry, he could tell.

He hated that.

He hated when she was angry. Especially at him. Which was alot.

"Come back Mora!" Y/n yelled, waving at him as she hung over the patio fence.

He nodded and walked over the Mickey, who was destroying the ball y/n had thrown.

"Hey guys." He told Nathi and Dante as he grabbed Mickey by his collar.

"Oh hey Mikey!" Nathi replied.

"Hey man." Dante said.

Miguel walked away.

"Fucking dick." He told Mickey when he was out of earshot from Nathi.

The dog barked at him.

"Jesus." Miguel said.


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