Chapter 15

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"Okay so how did we get together?" Y/n asked.

"Okay so i was thinking, what if we don't lie?" Miguel replied.

"Uhm, no. What the fuck does that mean?" Y/n asked.

"Like, we say that at the premiere we had a little moment-" Miguel started.

"No. You do realize that i cheated right? That was cheating? I don't want word to get out of that." Y/n said.

"What if i just flirted with you really hard but you were like 'im with Javon.'" Miguel replied. He said the last part in a girly voice.

"I don't sound like that." Y/n defended.

"Mhmmm.. Yeah you do." Miguel said.

"No I don't!" She replied.

"Alright chill!" Miguel laughed.

"I don't sound like that." Y/n said.

"Fine." Miguel replied.

He put his arm around her.

"What are you doing?" Y/n asked.

"If someone just heard us they might get suspicious." Miguel said.

"Alright." She replied.

She thought for a second. Then held his hand that was around her shoulder.

He looked at her.

"Don't make this a thing." Y/n said.

"I didn't say anything." Miguel chuckled.

"I know those eyes." She replied.

He smirked at her.

"Did our plan work?" Maddy asked.

"I think so." Mason replied.

"Or the two are Ben and Bea-ing us." Brady said.

"What does that mean?" Mason asked.

"They're faking it." Brady said.

"What? No that's not fake." Maddy replied.

"Dude. Their actors. I think they can fake a fucking relationship." Brady said.

"No, they wouldn't." Maddy said.

Brady gave her a look.

"They hate eachother. If they would even consider something like they, they wouldn't go through with it. They hate each other too much to even be in each others presence." She explained.

"There's something off about them." Brady said.

Mason sighed.

"Oh wow." Nathi said.

"This is beautiful." Y/n added.

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