Chapter 12

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"I was on the boat this morning but i was uhm.. a little stupid and i left them on there." Maddy said.

"And you need us to get them?" Miguel asked.

Maddy nodded.

"Together?" Miguel asked.

She nodded again.

"Fine." Miguel replied.

"Great!" Maddy schrieked as she skipped away.

Y/n waited untill she was out of earshot.

"Great, so everyone is in on this." She sighed.

"Yeah." Miguel replied.

"Cmon let's go." Y/n said.

She got in the water untill it was up to her waist.

She looked behind her, seeing Miguel still on land.

"What are you doing, get in here." She said.

"I just.." He started.

Y/n gave him a look.

"Fine." He sighed as he got in the water.

"God i hate you." He laughed as they started swimming.

As they were swimming y/n immediately noticed Miguel couldn't keep up with her.

She stopped swimming.

"Are you okay?" She asked.

"Yeah, yeah, just give me a second." Miguel replied.

He floated next to her in the water, completely out of breath.

"Oh my god, ur hot girl fit!" Y/n said.

"I am not hot girl fit!" Miguel replied.

"Yes you are! You do all this lifting and boxing but the second it comes to cardio you nearly have an asthma attack!" Y/n said.

Miguel splashed her with water.

"Bitch!" She schrieked.

"Thats what you g-" Miguel started.

He got splashed in his face too.

"Come on." Y/n groaned as she started swimming again.

"No, wait for me!" Miguel said.

The two were now at the boat.

"Dude just get on here." Miguel groaned.

"Im not strong okay!" Y/n replied, she was trying to get onto the boat.

"This ladder is too ugh!" She added.

"Cmon." Miguel said.

He reached out his hands and y/n held them as he pulled her up.

"Okay treetrunk." She joked.

"Thanks." Miguel replied.

He sat down on the boat's couch. "This is so tiring."

"Tell me about it." Y/n replied, she sat down next to him.

"Wait what were we even here for?" Miguel asked.

"Dude." Y/n replied.

"What i just didn't remember-" Miguel started.

"No- dude." Y/n said. She stood up and pointed to the shore.

"What-" Miguel asked.

Mason and Brady stood there with Javon Wanna Walton.

"Oh that's low." Miguel said.

Y/n turned around. Tears started filling her eyes.

"Hey- Hey. Are you okay?" Miguel asked.

"No im not fucking okay Moron." She said.

Miguel looked back at the shore.

Mason and Brady were waving while Javon just kind of stood there.

"Y/n look who we brought!!" Mason said.

"Wait you said this was a guys trip-" Javon started.

"Shush!" Brady yelled.

The three walked away after Miguel waved at them.

He sat down and looked at y/n.

"Their gone." He said.

"Oh thank god." Y/n said.

She sat down and curled up into a little ball.

"Hey, hey it's okay.." Miguel told her.

He wrapped his arms around her and rested his chin on her shoulder.

"Its okay.." He repeated.

"We need a plan." Y/n said.

"What?" Miguel asked.

She sat up straight and wiped her nose.

"We need a plan." She repeated.

"A plan for what?" Miguel asked.

"We should do it." Y/n said.

"Do what?"

"Let them think their plan worked. Let them think were dating." Y/n explained.

"Oh fuck no." Miguel said.

"Think about it. It would solve that problem for me."

She pointed at Javon on the patio.

"And that problem for you."

She pointed at Nathi cuddled up with Dante on the beach.

"I don't have a problem." Miguel said.

"Dude this is not the time for jokes. You clearly want Nathi." Y/n said.

Miguel looked in the distance, not wanting to listen to her.

"Think about it! Its perfect!" Y/n schrieked.

"I don't know Evans." He said.

"Cmon.. Don't you wanna have a little fun?" She asked in a flirty tone.

She reached for Miguel's hands and lifted him up from the couch.

"And wouldn't a girlfriend be good for publicity? Especially a girlfriend who's the daughter of a successful actor.." She added.

Miguel had a look on his face like he just needed a little push to tip him over the edge.

Y/n stepped in closer, she knew what his weak spot was. They're torsos were touched and her hands were on his arms.

"And don't you remember september 25th 2022?" She whispered in his ear.

"Okay.." Miguel said.

Pause, what did happen on september 25th?


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