Chapter 1.

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I awake to sunshine beaming through the holes in the curtain covering the window in my room. I groan as I try to go back to sleep, but to no avail. I eventually get up, putting on my outfit of the day (whatever makes you the comfiest), and walk down stairs to see the house empty.
'Well this is strange.' I think to myself as I walk into the living room. Normally my father would be asleep here, surrounded by empty bottles, one of his horrible habits. I furrow my eyebrows as I walk into the kitchen, where mother should be making breakfast... but she's not.
"Mom?" I said out loud, hoping for a response but met with nothing.
'Huh.. weird..' I thought to myself as I made a cup of coffee (or drink of choice) and looked out a window into the back yard. Behind one of the many trees, for a faint moment, something stood there... looking at me, then it disappeared. My heart rised a little but I shook it off.  'What was that? I'm probably just seeing things' I thought to myself.

A couple hours later
I was sitting on the couch watching TV. I was still home alone, which was starting to freak me out quite a bit because it was rare. Normally father would be here yelling at mother or throwing things around but it was quiet.. almost too quiet and it was starting to bug me. It had gotten quite cloudy since I saw that thing staring at me. Just thinking about it made me shiver. It is almost 2pm now.. where could my parents be? Not that I cared much about my father, but my mother.. she was amazing. Sometimes it felt as if she was the only one who understood me, who cared for me when the rest of the world didn't. I'm not sure what was telling me to but I decided to take a walk in the woods behind my house, only to clear my mind. Not because I was curious or anything...right?
As I walked through the woods, the wind blew and made me shiver.
'I should have brought a jacket' I thought to myself and I held my arms to keep myself warm. I had been thinking about where my mother could be that I didn't realize that I had walked quite far away from my house.
"Shit.." I said as I turned in every direction. Everything looks the same. Everything is fine though. "Mother, where are you?" I said as tears pricked my eyes.
"Hm, what's a creature like you doing all the way out here?"
My eyes widen at the unfamiliar static voice. I turn around quickly to see a.. a man? Yeah, that a person, right? He was wearing a red pinstripe coat with dark-red lapels piped with white, which is ragged along the bottom hem. Underneath this he wears a bright red dress-shirt with a black cross on the chest, and long black dress pants with matching bright red cuffs. He had deer antlers, deer ears and an ominous smile. That smile... it made me feel uneasy. Nonetheless, quite an interesting choice for the period of time I'm living in.
"Who are you?" I ask cautiously while holding my ground.
"Answer my question first." He said with that smile of his.
"I'm looking for someone." I said, partly lying but not really because my parents were kind of missing so I thought it wouldn't hurt.
"Hm." He responded with squinting eyes.
"Now answer mine, who are you?" I asked again.
He smiled and walked towards me, extending a hand, "Alastor! A pleasure to meet you, truly a pleasure!" He said as I shook his hand awkwardly.
"Yeah.. same.. what are you doing out here?" I ask him hesitantly.
"That is not of importance my dear! Let me help you, whom are you looking for?" He asked, putting his hands behind his back.
" mother.. and I guess my father" I said, leaning more desperately towards finding my mother.
"Hm, your mother?" He asked, raising and eyebrow keeping that smile on his face. 'Does it ever go away?' I thought to myself.
"Yes, suppose you could help me?" I asked him.

Alastor's Pov
This.. timid little creature I had found, she is quite interesting. She has no idea what has happened to her parents and she wants my help.
'Should I help her? For a deal?' I ask myself.
"Hm, I suppose I could help.. for a deal." I said to her, she looked frightened but she was putting up one hell of a fight to not look like it. How intriguing.
"What do you want?" She asked me.
"If I help you find your mother, you live with me for 5 years. No strings attached." I said, looking down at her.
"Live?! With you!? I don't even know you! You just appeared out of nowhere and how am I supposed to know you can even help me, and FIVE YEARS?! That's a long time." She said to me, as she paced back and forth. I could tell she was considering it. I smirk as she steps and nods her head.
"Okay fine. 5 years, no strings attached, and you find my mother." She said extending her hand to me.
I smiled as I grabbed her hand, "Deal." I said as the green glow of my hand and our surroundings made her eyes widen. When it died down, she looked up at me.
"What just happened?" She asked me.

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