Chapter 16.

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"Alastor... How could I not love you? All of this time spent together, you've shown me nothing but kindness, minus a few moments, but that's besides the point! I don't care who you were when you were alive and honestly, I can't believe I'm saying this, ...I want to get to know that side of you. The side that I see when you get aggravated, that flicker of sadism I see when you look into the distance. I want to see it. I want to know it, because, although it could end up hurting me, I want to see every side of you. Even the parts you don't like or think they make you weak. Hell Alastor, I've cried in front of you like- a lot of times now and I haven't seen anything but that charming smile. I want to see someone different. I want to see you." Through my little tangent Alastor's eyes would widen and narrow when I vaguely insulted him. When I was done though, his eyes had relaxed and he was no longer smiling. He wasn't sad, no, he looked.. happy? Like he had found treasure and didn't want to lose it.
My eyes softened at his expression, "did I say something stupid?" I ask as I put my hand on his cheek and rested my forehead on his.
"No..." he paused to take a deep breath, "I just never knew someone could read my mind." He said with a small laugh, causing me to do the same.
"I just don't want to lose you (Y/N). You have come to grow on me, even though I said no strings attached... I want strings. I want this. Us. You. To be mine." He said solemnly.
"As long as you're beside me I know that nothing will happen to me. I'm safe when I'm with you, Alastor. I'm yours, for as long as you'll have me. Deal or not, I'll be here."
I said, adoring him.

Alastor's POV
I stare at her in wonder, this human girl is in love with me. It brings a smile to my face. She brings a smile to my face. I put my hand against her face and brought her into another passionate kiss, hoping it would relay my feelings better than my words could.
Pulling away, I looked deeply into her eyes.
"I never thought I, the radio demon, would be given the opportunity to find such a beautiful soul. One that I can call mine." I said with a light laugh.
"I hope I never lose it. I hope I never lose you." I said with a small sigh. I laid my back down on the couch, sitting up hurts more than I thought it would, but it was worth it. I sucked in a breath as pain stemmed from my wound.
(Y/N), with her still pink cheeks, sat beside me, a look of worry behind her eyes.
"Dear, I am okay. I am not going anywhere, much less dying in the human realm." I said
"I know but still.. it has to hurt," she paused,
"Let me finish that jambalaya! Maybe it'll be as good as yours." She said with a small laugh, leaving to finish the stew. I closed my eyes, 'Thank you momma.' I thought, bringing a smile to my face.
Looking as stupid as I probably did, grinning like an idiot, (Y/N) walked back into the living room holding a small bowl.
"Do you want to eat?" She asked, so sweetly.
She was so excited for me to try it, I could see it in her eyes, so I nodded, and regrettably asked her to feed it to me so that I didn't have to sit back up again. She complied sweetly, saying something along the lines of "whatever I can do to help," making me smile.
I took the first bite.. and it shocked me. The flavors brought me right back to my human home, with momma... it almost made me cry, almost.
"(Y/N).. this is stupendous... it tastes exactly like my mothers.." I said, breathlessly while looking at her in amazement.
She smiled sweetly, "I'm glad it's to your liking, it's the least I can do.. since you can magically heal and whatnot." She said with a giggle.
'It always amuses me how she cracks herself up, it is quite cute when she does it.' I thought to myself as I continued to eat, while having small talk with (Y/N), mostly about what she did while I was gone.
When I finished the bowl of food, (Y/N) took it back to the kitchen, probably to clean it. I, however, am exhausted. This healing process takes a lot out of me and my chest still hurts, so I decided to rest my eyes. About 2 minutes later the room got darker so I opened my eyes to see (Y/N) closing the curtains in the living room, "thank you", I said.
She walked over to me, once more, knelt down and placed her hand on my face, giving me a light kiss on my lips, "rest" she simply said.
I responded with a tired nod and began to doze off...
10 minutes later and I couldn't fall asleep.
I groaned, annoyed obviously.
'Why can't I rest? I need to...' I thought, perplexed.
"(Y/N)! Would you be a dear and come in here please?" I loudly asked, not knowing where she was in the house. Small footsteps quickly made their way towards me, then she was in front of me, asking if everything was okay.
"Yes I am fine but... would you lay here with me? I can't seem to fall asleep." I asked, sheepishly.
A slight blush formed on her face, "are you sure? I can just get you a pillow or something." She said
"Please dear." I was trying not to beg, but it sounded more desperate than I wanted it to.
She smiled slightly and nodded, "where do you want me?" She asked.
I opened my arms to her, "lay on my chest," I said as a flash of worry came across her face. "You won't hurt me, please just come here." I said as I pulled her onto my chest, trying not to grunt when her weight hit my chest. It honestly wasn't that bad, just something I needed to get used to.
"Please rest Alastor, it will help you heal quicker." She said
"Alright, you as well doe, you need it just as much as I do." I said, I could tell she hadn't slept well while I was gone, who knew she would worry so much about me.. it's so sweet.
"Goodnight Alastor." She said
"Goodnight, my dear doe." I returned, running my fingers through her hair and closing my eyes.

The end!!

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