Chapter 10.

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My eyes widened, 'what in the world is he doing... and why do I love it?' I asked myself.
The way he moves so effortlessly with precision makes my heart do flips.
'What if I just..' and without second thought while I rose to my tip toes, because I am shorter than Alastor.
My eyes fell closed as I delicately placed my lips on his, staying that way, to see if he would return it.
After a moment, with nothing from him, I returned to the flat ground and looked up at him, sadly disappointed. His eyes were wide and his ears were frizzy, almost as if he was excited? But who knew with Alastor, he was always full of surprises.
"Uhm Alastor, I'm sorry that was really sudden and unexpected and I know that you don't like being touched so I can understand if- Mmh!"
I was cut off by Alastor's lips crashing onto mine. I felt one of his arms wrap around my waist and another on the back of my head, pulling me deeper into the kiss.
My eyes were wide for a moment, I was in complete and utter shock.
'Is this really happening?!' I was bursting with excitement before I realized I wasn't kissing him back yet. I wrapped my arms around his neck with one running through his hair.
After a few moments, Alastor pulled away and rested his head on mine, he really likes to do that doesn't he? I took some deep breaths to calm down my racing heart.
"Don't ever apologize for doing something like that." He said in a tone that had a mix of sharpness and delicacy.
I smiled at his words, "why didn't I do that sooner?" I asked.
He smiled and laughed, "I am not sure but I loved it." He said.
"Hmm yeah me too," I said and brought my hands down from his neck to his face, "I'm surprised you didn't push me away." I said with a giggle.

Alastor's POV
Honestly I'm surprised I didn't push her away either. Although that damned demon inside of me made kissing her back, so much harder than it needed to be.
'Oh how I would love to see her blood spilt on the ground. What?! No. I don't want that.' Was what I thought in those few seconds. The internal battles I have with myself about this girl is like being crushed by a wave so close to the shore only to be dragged back out to sea. I curse myself for having these feelings for her, but I hate myself even more because a part of me wants to kill her.
I cleared my throat, "well how could I harm such a beautiful creature." I said.
I was being honest, I did not want any harm to come to this girl. Even if that meant leaving her life, I would do it.
For her.
For my doe.
I watched her blush as I retracted my hands from her body, making me smile, but it soon faded when I saw my shadow glaring at me from behind (Y/N).
She turned around to see what I was looking at but my shadow had disappeared, when she turned back around, my signature smile was back.
"How does dinner sound dear?" I asked as I put my hand behind her back and led her inside.
"That sounds amazing actually!" She said excitedly and sat in a chair in the kitchen and watched me make dinner.
While I was making dinner, out of the corner of my eye, I saw (Y/N) wrap her arms around her body.
'Is she cold?' I asked myself, and without second thought I took off my coat, walked over to her, and wrapped it around her shoulders. Giving her a smile, I rolled my sleeves up and went back to cooking.

I blushed when he wrapped his coat over me, and smiled at him.
'I wonder if that kiss changes anything? Does he have feelings for me or did he do it just to make me feel good?' I sighed, and I guess Alastor heard it because his ears flicked.
I always find it cute when they do that, such a small thing, yet, an important detail to who he is. I was having a great time, Alastor was making small talk as he worked, even making me laugh. He could be hilarious when he needed to be, honestly surprised me a bit.
Everything is great... and then I got the chills. Which I thought was odd, I know it's cold in here but I'm wearing Alastor's coat.
These weren't normal chills though, these were the type of chills you got when you were scared or in danger. In my case, I felt scared. My heart began to beat faster, I looked around the room but everything was normal.
"Hey Alastor?" I called out to him, while still looking around, trying to find the source of my sudden panic.
He responded with a "Hm?" while still cooking, "do you feel that?" I asked.
I went to stand up but when I lifted off the chair I was pushed back into it. Ok, now I'm really starting to panic.
"Alastor?" I called out to him again, this time my voice sounding more uneasy, causing him to turn around. When he did, his eyes widened ever so slightly, I almost didn't see it.
"What's going on?" I asked, and reached my hand out to him. He snapped his fingers and the heavy weight that was around me vanished. In an instant he was in front of me, holding my hand, "you're alright my dear." He said in a calming tone.
"What was that?" I asked in a shaky voice
"Nothing, you're okay." He said and pulled me into a hug.

Alastor's POV
After snapping my fingers and scaring it off of (Y/N). I glared heavily at my shadow in the corner. I sighed, 'I suppose this is what happens when I'm not paying attention to it.' I thought to myself.
"You and I will have a conversation later." I said, seriously to my shadow.
"Why won't you kill her? It would make everything so much easier, don't you think? You can't stay in the human realm forever and you know that very well." It said to me.
"I know." I said sharply.
"I know I can't stay here forever...but I don't want her down in hell either." I said in a sad tone, my ears drooping at the same time.
I brushed off the conversation with my shadow, we would continue it later, and turned my attention back to (Y/N).
"I'm sorry for that dear, my shadow loves to play games sometimes." I said, looking her in the eyes with a small smile while stroking her hair.
"It's okay, it just freaked me out a lot." She said with a small smile.
I sighed, as much as I hate that my shadow is correct, I can't stay here forever. I'll have to leave (Y/N) here alone when I go back to hell, not that I want to, but being gone from hell for too long can result in... damaging consequences to my body and I'd rather not go through the time and effort to heal myself from that.
'How do I tell her? I should only be gone for a week but leaving her alone gives me an unpleasant feeling. I know that only she and I can enter the house but I'm not sure if that magic will work with me not here..' my smile diminished as I turned back to continue making dinner.
A few minutes later, I was done and plated her food. I brought it over to the table, putting the plate on the table and sitting down next to
(Y/N). It was silent while she ate, my ears drooped, in a sweet way, and she looked at me with those big beautiful eyes of hers, they made my heart flutter.
'I can't leave you here alone, my sweet doe... but I can't bring you with me.. oh what to do..' I thought.

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