Chapter 13.

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Hey everyone! So in this chapter, there will be references to the Hazbin Hotel series by Vivienne Medrano and all of the storyline credit involving her show goes to her. The part of this book relating to her show will be the hotel and her characters. Just wanted to clear that up, thanks!

I watched his ears stop and his eyes were full of shock, although he was very good at hiding it on his face. What shocked him?
I wanted to put a hand on his face but his grip against my wrists was too strong. He had complete control over me and he knew it.
"Of course I know that Al.." I trailed off.
'Of course I know he'd never hurt me..right? I mean, even though staying with him is a part of our deal I can't help but feel something for him and I really hope he feels something for me too.'
He chuckled lightly, "That's good dear. I could not even fathom harming my doe." He said and traced a finger down my face before kissing me one more time and releasing my hands. I wrapped my arms around his neck, deepening the kiss. I had a feeling this would be the last one for a while. We broke the kiss, he stood up and offered me a hand, I nodded sheepishly, my face still red from the previous events that took place. I rose to my feet and I was pulled into his chest, into a tight hug. A hug I didn't expect from him, I guess he doesn't want to leave either.
"I must leave doe.." he said softly.
I hugged him tightly, I didn't want him to leave, but also a few days by myself wouldn't be so bad, right?
"Okay.. be safe, yeah?" I said and placed a hand on his face.
"No promises. I haven't killed anyone in quite a moment, hm. Could be fun." He said with a smile and a laugh.
I just blinked at him, "Sometimes I forget you're a demon, jeez." I said with a small laugh. He only smiled in response.
With the flick of his finger, green sparks flew, and a portal opened on the floor. Everytime he does something like that, I'm always astonished.
He laid a kiss upon my forehead and with a last goodbye, he slipped into the portal as it closed behind him. I wrapped my arms around myself as I stood there, looking where the portal once was.
It was quiet, which was normal, but I always knew Alastor was somewhere close by. This type of quiet is unnerving, intimidating, and ...scary.
'How am I supposed to be alone for a week?'
I took a deep breath.
'No. I can do this. Alone is normal for me. I was alone when father and moth- ... when my parents weren't home. I can do this.' I thought to myself.
'I just have to take it one day at a time.'
So I did.

Alastor's POV
'Ah finally back.' I thought as I walked through the streets of hell.
'I suppose I should go see what Charlie is up to. I wonder how the hotel has been without me.' I thought, while walking to the hotel.
Once I arrived, I walked into the hotel and was met with no greeting, which I suppose is normal but it would have been nice.
I walked around until I found Charlie and Vagatha in the kitchen. When I made my presence known, Charlie was surprised, to say the least. She started bombarding me with questions and exclamations about how much she had missed me.
"Charlie, please do calm down." I said calmly.
"Sorry, but where have you been? It's been almost 4 months since we've seen you!" She asked dramatically.
"I have been.. taking care of a personal matter." I replied with my signature smile.
I was being honest after all. (Y/N) was a personal matter. She was a person and is made of matter, therefore making my statement true. However she meant more to me than just matter, the inhabitants of hell would never know that though.
'Will I tell (Y/N)?' I asked myself, and with a small shake of my head, I pushed the idea aside.
"Oh. Well that's less exciting than I thought. You didn't kill anyone did you?" Charlie asked.
"Haha no, however it does sound like fun now that you bring it up." I said with a smile.
"¡No! Charlie está tratando de hacerte una mejor persona, Alastor. No estás ayudando, perra." Vagatha said in a sharp tone.
"Hah! Me? A better person? Don't be silly. It's never going to happen." I said with a laugh and a sinister smile.
'I did not miss being here. I'd rather be back on earth with (Y/N) right now. Curse... What do I curse? I'm dead and she's alive. Who's to blame for that? Damn, well curse whoever let this bloody relationship to begin. So I suppose it's my fault. Her fault? ...Nope, definitely mine.' I thought

For 3 days I would wake up, eat, read, eat, clean, eat, sleep. This consistency was getting boring, to say the least, I wanted- no. I needed to get out of this house but last time I tried... Alastor wasn't very keen on it but he wasn't here, 'would it hurt? He'll never know.' I thought.
After lunch I decided to go outside, it was early August so it was still pretty warm outside. Feeling the warmth of the sun on my face made me smile, 'sorry Alastor.. but I need this.' I thought, and closed the door behind me.
I didn't go very far, just in case Alastor had some weird magic way to spy on me. Just a simple stroll, far enough to get away, but the house is never out of sight. Made me feel safe, free, even.
As I let my feet take me where they wish, I find a small flower patch close enough to the house. Sitting down in it, I started playing with the flowers. Twirling some in my hands and picking petals off of some. 'Does he love me? Does he not?' I thought.
Quite a silly thing for someone my age. Even sillier when it's between a human and a demon. These silly thoughts led me to those of what happened before Alastor left, bringing a pink hue to my face.
"Ugh (Y/NNNN)! What have I gotten myself into?" I said to myself.
Truly, I had no idea what I had gotten myself into, neither did I wish for it to end. How could I have gotten myself in so deeply with a demon? Does he even have emotions? Can he feel the things I feel for him? Does he? Can he love? Can he love me? Does he know what it is?
Love; an intense feeling of deep affection.
Does he know how to love?
And more importantly.
Do I?

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