Chapter 2.

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Hii everyone thanks for reading this- I love ending on cliffhangers so you'll probably see it a lot, keeps everyone on their toes. Enjoy!

"What just happened? What did you do to me?" I asked Alastor.
"We simply made a deal dear. A very..bonding contract, you could say." He said with that toothy smile.
I narrowed my eyes on him, "Okay, now help me find my mother." I said strictly.
"But of course! Follow me!" He said cheerfully, which I thought was odd, why is he so happy? I shrugged it off as I followed him through the woods.
After walking for a bit we were back at my house. "What are we doing here? My mother is here." I told him.
"Isn't she?" He answered and continued to walk towards the house.
"Yes, she hasn't been here all day and neither has my father." I said as I followed him through the back door and into my home. He walked through the hall and stopped in front of the door to the basement, opening it.
"It never occurred to you to look down here?" He asked sarcastically.
"Uh- no.. but I never go down there. Father doesn't allow me too. He says it's where he keeps his guns." I said, peering down the steps.
"Hm." He said as he made the descent down the basement stairs. I followed him cautiously, who knows what I would find.
When we got to the bottom of the stairs, he snapped his fingers and the lights turned on. My eyes widened, "How did you do that?" I asked him.
"None of your concern. There is your mother." He said and eyed the dark corner of the basement.
"What do you.." I paused, looking in horror as my mother laid in the corner.
"M..mother.." I said quietly as I walked towards her body but got stopped by a hand on my shoulder.
"Don't." Alastor said to me.
Tears pricked my eyes as my mind raced with thoughts.
What happened to her?
Who did this?
Where is father?
"A..Alastor... is she..?" I said with a shaky voice.
His only response was a tighter grip on my shoulder.
"No! No she's not!" I yelled at him as tears spilled down my face, as I looked up at him desperately.
Alastor's hand left my shoulder and went behind his back.
"She is." He said softly.
I fell to the ground, crying in my hands. At this point I didn't care if Alastor saw me. My mother was dead. My beloved mother. I wept for her as Alastor stood there, not knowing what to do or say. Feelings weren't his best subject anyway.

Alastor's POV
I tensed as this girl, I still had no idea what her name was, cried in front of me. I have a horrible reaction when people show deeper emotions than happiness. Happiness is easy to deal with when I smile all the time but this deep sadness is tricky for me to understand. Sure, I have deep feelings too, but dealing with other's.. it's hard for me.
I walked past her and towards her mother's body. How grim. How unfortunate.
"I wonder who killed her." I said quietly, with my back faced towards the girl. I heard her mumble something, causing me to turn towards her.
"Hm?" I said in response.
"Who.. who would do such a thing.. my mother.." she said as tears still ran down her face.
"I'm not sure. I could find out though." I said as I snapped, summoning my shadow. I pointed to her mother's body. My shadow sniffed around her body and nodded.
"Go find who did this." I said harshly, which surprised me. 'Why did I say that so harshly? This is just somebody. It's not like I care.' I thought to myself, shrugging off the feeling. My shadow nodded and seeped into the walls and disappeared, turning back to face the girl on the floor and walking towards her, as she looked up at me. I sigh and put my hand out for her to grab.
"Come, you shouldn't stay on the cold floor." I said to her, as she took my hand and stood up, her legs visibly shaking. I led her up the stairs and to the living room, telling her to sit on the couch. I leave her there, walking to look out the window, viewing the woods behind the house. I listen as she takes a few deep breaths, probably to stop crying.
"Alastor" she said my name quietly.
"Yes dear?" I said, turning to meet her eyes.
"I want them dead. I want them to pay for what they did." Her words made my smile grow. Oh how I love it when humans want revenge.
"I can arrange for that to happen." I said smiling. She only nodded in response and looked to the floor.
"Well we best be on our way then." I said.
"Huh? Where to?" She asked, looking at me.
"Home but of course. Remember?" I asked as her eyes widened but she nodded and stood up.
"Just let me grab some clothes and a couple things and.. and we can go." She said while walking towards the stairs.
"I'll be outside when you're done." I said, walking to the back door, opening it, and closing it on the way out.
'Well at least I didn't have to take her by force. I am intrigued as to who would have killed her mother... reminds me of my mother, I wonder if she feels the same.' I thought to myself while looking at the ground.
I shook off the thought,
"What an ignorant idea." I said out loud.
Then, the door opened.

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