Chapter 14.

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Hey everyone! So in this chapter, there will be references to the Hazbin Hotel series by Vivienne Medrano and all of the storyline credit involving her show goes to her. The only part of this book relating to her show will be in episode 8 when Alastor gets hurt. I just wanted to clear that up before we start. Thanks :)

It's been 8 days.
No problems. No noise. No Alastor.
I feel more uneasy than I should, but I couldn't help feeling as though something was wrong. He told me not to worry but how could I not? I didn't take Alastor for a lier, when he said he'd been back, I expected him to be back. So now that he's not, it's worrying me.
I've cleaned the small home top to bottom for what seems like forever, trying to get my unnerving feelings to leave.
'Hey Alastor, a drink would be great right about now..' I thought, while taking a small break and looking out a window into the woods.
Then I heard a grunt. I turned around, my eyes widening when I saw Alastor walk through a portal and fall to the ground holding his chest, small drops of blood hitting the floor.
"Alastor?" I said wearily, while quickly making my way to him.
As I came closer to him, falling to the floor in front of him, panic set in as I got a better look at him. I see him covered in blood, but whose?
"Alastor?! What happened!?" I expressed, grabbing his face with both hands, lifting it so I could see his face.
His smile was weakly plastered on his face, clearly trying to hide how he really felt. He looked to be in pain, meaning that the blood was his. His eyes met mine, he looked tired, no, exhausted, more than he usually did.
"I am okay dear.. nothing to worry about." He said feebly.
"Nothing to worry about?! You're bleeding Al.. a lot." I said as I lifted his body up, with multiple grunts of pain coming from him. I put one of his arms around my shoulder and helped him to the couch.
"Stay here." I instructed him while I left him there to go get a cloth and some medical supplies. I came back to the living room and started frantically trying to stop the blood flowing from him.
"Alastor, I need to take your jacket and shirt off." I said as I reached for the buttons on his jacket. One of his hands quickly found mine,
"Don't. I'll be fine." He said harshly, looking at me through lidded eyes.
"Alastor, you're bleeding. Let me help." I said sternly.
He shot me a look, like the way he looked at me when he snapped at me that night in the kitchen. It sent a chill down my spine, but he was more important right now so I pushed my fear away.
"I'm not going anywhere. So either you let me, or I'm doing it forcefully." I said, standing my ground. He continued to look at me, possibly scanning me for uncertainty. Eventually he nodded, probably in too much pain to fight me on this. I undo his jacket buttons, my eyes widening at how much blood was soaking his shirt. I begin to undo the buttons of his shirt,
"You're not going to like what you see dear." He said somberly, his eyes closed, likely to mask the pain he was in.
"Alastor, I don't care what you look like. I care that you're safe." I said sweetly, and I meant it. I'd rather him be mad at me for seeing him shirtless than him.. can he die again? I'll worry about it later.
I undid the last button and my eyes widened at the severity of his wound.
"Who did this to you?! How did this even happen!?" I asked, confused.
'I thought he was powerful. I didn't know he could get hurt.' I thought.
I grabbed a wet cloth and began to wipe the blood, pressing it against the massive gash across his chest to stop the bleeding.
"Ah, just some heathen. He had terrible manners really, and was quite sloppy. I'm surprised he struck me." He said while sucking in a breath through his teeth.
"He got you good. It needs to be stitched closed." I said and Alastor's eyes shot open.
"Dear, that is not necessary. I can heal on my own. I am not in need of human device intervention." He said intently.
"Are you sure?" I asked suspiciously.
One of his hands rested on my face,
"My doe, I assure you I will be fine. Thank you for worrying about me." He sweetly said with a small smile.
"Besides, I'm already starting to heal, see." He said, motioning to his chest.
Looking at it, fibers of his skin pulling themselves together.
"You can heal on your own?" I ask, astonished
He smiles with pride and a small chuckle escaped his lips, probably amused at my question.
"Of course dear. So I assure I will be just fine. I just need to rest, I should be back to normal in just a few days." He said, stroking my face with his thumb and giving me a reassuring smile.
"Okay.. I'm just glad you're back." I said happily and placed a kiss on his cheek.
Then I stood up, grabbing the supplies I used, and taking them to the kitchen. I began washing the bloody cloth in the sink.
'I didn't know he could be hurt. Especially this badly. I know he said he'll be okay, I just hope he's being honest.' I thought.
What was he doing down there?

Alastor's POV
As much pain as I was in right now, I'm just glad to be back home.
Wait- home? Is this home? It feels like home, granted I haven't known what home is since my mother died.
'Is (Y/N) my home?' I asked myself.
She walked back into the room and I pushed the thought aside, putting on my signature smile, even though I was in quite a bit of pain.
The concern covering her face was enough to make my heart melt. Having her worry about me made me feel better, not physically, but emotionally. I had missed her since the first day I landed back in hell, and now that I'm back, I want nothing more than to just embrace her and keep her safe. She handed me a couple pills and, much to my disdain, I took them. I closed my eyes, to simply enjoy the peace and quiet that surrounded me, much better than what had happened in hell, and the feeling of having (Y/N) by my side again. Having her presence nearby made me feel like I was healing quicker, such a silly thing to think, but I do believe it to be true. She was the sunshine to my rain, the full moon to my dark nights, my bright light when I was lost, roaming alone, she was there. She's always been there. I hope she always is.
"Alastor? You okay?" She asked, bringing me back to the real world.
"Hm? Oh yes dear, just thinking." I returned.
"What of?" She asked.
My eyes widened slightly as I realized the words had shot out of my mouth without second thought. Making my face burn and my heart beat rapidly. Looking at (Y/N), she seemed to be having the same reaction, making my confidence rise slightly. I'm not going to deny saying what I said and I can't ignore it so I might as well tell her the truth.
I need to accept this and she needs to know. These stupid feelings that I get when I am around her. Damned human emotions... thank you, for making me fall in love with this girl.

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