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Umbrella NEST Facility Record: Subject M-001
Overseeing Scientist: Annette Birkin

The Following are excerpts from relevant reports about the escaped subject.

Report 4: Testing has shown that the subject's pre-existing telekinetic powers are triggered by strong emotions. Will continue to observe.

Report 23: Testing with M One's pre-existing abilities has concluded. We are clear to introduce the t-virus and begin testing the effects.

Report 28: M One has not only survived infection with the t-virus but thrived with it! It enhanced his pre-existing abilities and he has shown no cognitive decline.

Report 45: He can communicate with the other subjects like Cerberus and the Tyrant (T-001) that escaped 2 days ago. Not only that, M One can command them. He convinced the Tyrant to go back to its lab and in his presence the Cerberus acted like loyal puppies instead of the feral monsters they usually are. I will investigate how far his influence over them goes.

Report 57: M One is getting restless and tired of containment. He will pose as Sherry's brother in the orphanage for a little while so he can get out of the lab for a bit, he's still a kid after all.

Report 64: After being allowed to see some of the outside world M One is more restless than ever. Sherry helps calm him down but when she's not there he throws things around and tries to force open the door while sitting on his bed. The other subjects get more aggressive and restless when he's in one of his moods. I fear what he would be able to do with the power of all other subjects under his command as well as his own power.

Report 75: The T-virus is devastating the NEST and Raccoon City above. William's destructive mutation due to the G-Virus and subsequent rampage gave M One the opening he was looking for. He used his influence on the infected scientists to get a senior staff wristband to escape. There's no telling what M One may be after or the damage he could cause. God, I hope Sherry is ok.

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