The One With The Derailment

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No one would tell Harry what was going on.

Everyone was on edge and Carlos ran to the upper levels a couple minutes ago. They had tried to make Harry go to the other train cars with the rest of the civilians but Harry threatened to just run away from the station if he couldn't at least see Jill and Carlos when they got back. There had been a moment when that creepy soldier (Nikolai, Harry thought) grabbed him from behind and Harry's control slipped, making the lights in the subway flicker and the ones above his head exploded.

Luckily it was brushed off as a damaged power line or something, all the more reason to get out of there fast and no one seemed to notice how Harry's already prominent red veins had been darker for a couple moments. Harry looked back at Nikolai and the solder quickly wiped the calculating look off his face. Harry knew that face, the scientists had that face a lot. He had to get away from Nikolai, but at the same time he didn't want to leave Jill behind.

While he was sitting in the train car with the older guy (Harry couldn't remember his name) Jill and Carlos came down the stairs. Jill walked on to the train car and Carlos stayed on the platform with a few other soldiers.

"What's going on?" Harry asked "Why isn't Carlos getting on the train?"

Jill reached out to pat his head. Harry flinched at first and Jill paused but left her hand outstretched in a silent question. Harry eventually leaned into her touch and she ruffled his hair while he moved closer to her on the train bench.

"Carlos is going to find more people to help, this group is going to escape and then maybe send the train back for others." Jill said. "Is it ok if I put my arm around you?"

Harry nodded and hugged her waist while she put her arm around him. Jill ran her hand through his hair and was struck by how young he looked. Up close Jill could also see just how pale and grey his skin was, she would have thought he was a recently turned zombie if it wasn't for the lack of injury and lucidity in his eyes. His eyes were an unusual red and dark red veins spiraled out from his neck. His hair was grey on top and at the roots but black at the ends, suggesting his hair had originally been darker.

"How old are you Harry?" Jill asked.

"I'm seven." Harry answered, practically falling asleep with his head in Jill's lap.

"What did they do to you?" Jill whispered, more to herself than him.

"They helped me." Harry opened his eyes and looked up at her worriedly. "My aunt and uncle were bad, they hurt me and didn't tell me what my name was. Dr. William and Dr. Annett hurt me sometimes too but they tried to help afterwards and I got to meet Sherry. Please don't be mad at them."

Jill stayed silent. How bad were his relatives that being actively experimented on by Umbrella was better? Carlos was right, as soon as they got out of here Jill was getting an investigation started on Harry and the people who were supposed to look after him.

The train pulled out of the station and Harry yawned.

"You can sleep for a bit Harry." Jill said softly.

"You sure you don't mind?" Harry asked. "I can move if you want."

"And lose the heat? No thanks, you can stay right where you are." Jill teased.

Harry put his legs on the bench and cuddled into her lap.

"Long as you don't mind." He mumbled and quickly fell asleep.

Jill sat there silently with Harry on her lap for a while, listening to his breathing and the rocking of the train. It was just her, Harry, Nikolai (unfortunately) and Mikhail. She could hear what Mikhail and Nikolai were talking about.

"Strange how mindless zombies could ambush a platoon." Mikhail was saying, looking directly at Nikolai. "Strange how the door was locked."

Nikolai scoffed but didn't deny it. Before Mikhail could continue however the train suddenly rocked to the side violently enough to wake Harry and make Nikolai stumble. The four of them looked towards the back door to the train car.

"It's here!" Harry whispered, "l can feel it."

Before Jill could ask him what he meant the door opened and her question was answered. The brute that had hunted her before stood in the doorway, the burning remains of the other train cars and the civilians that had been on them behind it.

Nikolai was the first to act, he ran to the opposite door and went through it. When Jill and the other two reached it, however, it was locked.

"What the? Nikolai!" Jill shouted at the man.

"Life is important and it's not me it's after." Nikolai smirked, giving a mock salute and running away.

"God damn it Nikolai!" Jill shouted and kicked the door for good measure.

"Kid, you need to get back here!" Mikhail yelled and Jill turned. She had assumed Harry was right behind her but he was at the opposite end of the train car, staring at the brute.

"Leave them alone! They didn't do anything!" Harry yelled at it. Jill expected it to just bat him out of the way like it had so many others but it seemed to consider listening to him. It raised a hand and pointed at her, growling "S.T.A.R.S." It was almost like it was arguing with the boy. "Abandon that mission, it's not worth it." Harry said.

For a moment all was quiet. The monster seemed to be considering the boy. Then Mikhail jumped in front of Harry, pushing him back.

"No, don't!" Harry protested as Mikhail stepped in front of him.

"Don't you dare." Mikhail snarled at the brute. "He's just a kid."

The moment it lost eye contact with Harry the monster was on the attack again. It used a tentacle to grab Mikhail and drag him to the other (still burning) train car. Mikhail held a detonator in one hand and a bomb in the other.

"Get off my train you shit bird." Mikhail said and pressed the detonator.

The explosion knocked Harry and Jill to the flying and caused the train to careen off the tracks. It smashed sideways into the tunnel and rolled over. Harry had been thrown through a window when the train rolled over but Jill had stayed inside.

When Jill got to her feet there was only a wall of fire and the roof of the train in the direction Harry had flown. It was possible he had missed the flames and being crushed by the train and the impact with the roof of the tunnel, but hitting the ground would surely have killed him.

Jill stamped her foot helplessly. 'Another death to add to Umbrella's tab.' She thought angrily and stormed off to get above ground and tell Carlos what happened. 'I won't let his death be in vein.'

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