The One With The Protagonists In The NEST

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"The antidote I need for Sherry is in a lab in the west area but I don't have a wristband with a high enough clearance to activate that bridge so I'm searching through the lab for a wristband with high enough clearance." Claire explained.

"I bet that lab has a sample of the g-virus as well." Leon said.

"The g-virus! What do you want with that?" Claire asked.

"I met an FBI agent on the way here, she's why I'm here in the first place. She said she can use the g-virus sample to prove Umbrella caused all this." Leon explained.

"Sounds a bit sketchy, but this whole situation is so who am I to judge." Claire shrugged.

Harry grabbed Claire and Leon's hands and pulled them towards the west area.

"You can stand around later, Sherry needs our help now!"

They followed him to the reception area and then to a lab with a wall made of glass. Near the ceiling the glass was cracked and a body in a yellow hazmat suit wast held against the glass by a giant plant growth. On the body's wrist was a purple wristband.

"That's the level for senior staff." Harry said.

"How do you know?" Claire asked.

"I lived here. Well, not here,here but the NEST in general. I spent a lot of time in the lab next to William and Annette's main lab. If only I didn't lose my wristband when I changed, but I never thought I'd come back." Harry shook himself.

Leon wrapped an arm around Harry's shoulder and Claire led the way further into the lab. The automatic door took a couple tries to open and it wasn't hard to tell why. There were vines and branches everywhere, like they were stepping into a rainforest instead of a lab. A body wrapped in vines fell from the ceiling. It no longer looked very human, vines were pirceing it's body and emanating from it every which way, there were yellow growths all over it's body and it's mouth was spiked like a venus flytrap. It didn't make human noises as it reached for Claire, it made a sort of roaring croak.

Claire shot a flame round from her grenade launcher at the thing and it fell to the floor, letting out horrible croaking screams as the fire caught its foliage and grew. The screams finally stopped and the fire burned itself out, leaving only a skeletal charred body surrounded by a pile of ash. A few moments of stunned silence passed until Leon spoke up.

"Well I don't think that thing is getting back up."

Harry nudged it with his foot and when it didn't move he shrugged. "Works for me."

The overgrown lab was messing with Harry. Ever since he had been injected with the T-Virus he could sense other infected individuals, it seemed that extended to plants. With all the overgrowth all over the lab it's presence in his senses eclipsed all the other infected. Harry sensed one giant presence over all the labs so the smaller ones could sneak up on him. Luckily Leon and Claire had reflexes to make up for it. After discovering how much damage fire could do Claire loaded her flame rounds and Leon pulled out his flamethrower.

It was after they found a trophy with the code to unlock the lab that an idea occurred to Harry. If he could control infected humans and animals, why not plants? So when Claire and Leon went to enter the password Harry decided to speak up.

"Can you guys take care of the giant plant, it's messing with my senses so I'd rather stay in the reception area where it's safe." Harry asked.

Claire and Leon glanced at each other but agreed and while they went to make the herbicide Harry went back to the overgrown room.

Harry focused on his ability to sense the plant, he couldn't give it commands so he just closed his eyes and willed it to grow. At first it didn't work but then Harry tried using the energy he used to levitate things. Suddenly he could see the outline of the branches around the room and felt connected to the branches like an extension of his limbs. He grew the plants, then grew them into specific shapes, then he made them redirect into the ceiling and ditch branches that couldn't. The last thing he did was make it transfer some seeds to the floor near his human body with some trimmings he could grow. Harry let his control fade and realized how tired he felt. He scooped up the seeds and branches and walked to the reception room.

Harry laid down on one of the couches and he must have fallen asleep because the next thing he knew Leon was shaking his shoulder. Harry sat bolt upright. Immediately he noticed that the huge presence and the branches were all gone (except the ones in the pocket of the jacket he was wearing).

"You killed it." Harry said.

Leon and Claire startled and glanced at each other in surprise.

"Its presence is gone. Let's go get the cure for Sherry."

Harry got up and led the way to the hub with the bridge controls. Claire scanned her bracelet and pushed the button. The walkway extended with a drawn out grinding of metal against metal. With that the three of them walked into the west area.

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