The One With The Orphanage

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At least they got a clean change of clothes out of this, Harry thought as he and Sherry sat on opposite beds in a locked room. Harry had changed from his dirty white umbrella test subject outfit to his school uniform from when he stayed in the orphanage with Leon's jacket over top. He never actually went to the school but Dr. Annette said it would avoid suspicion and match Sherry. Sherry was wearing an older school uniform with lighter blue shorts and no vest (Sherry classic outfit).

A shadow moved under the door crack.

"Don't worry Sherry, this will all be over soon." Chief Irons's voice rang out from behind the door.

"Can't believe that bastard is the police chief." Harry muttered under his breath.

"There's gotta be a way out of here." Sherry said.

Sherry picked up an ugly doll from the bedside table. Harry laid back on the bunk bed he was sitting on.

"I could force the door but the noise would bring him running and who knows what he'd do to us." Harry said duly. He heard a zipper and Sherry got up from where she was sitting. Harry watched her cross the room with a block in her hand and start fiddling with a puzzle. After a few minutes there was a click and a drawer opened from the base with a pair of scissors inside.

Sherry took the scissors and cut the duck tape holding up a piece of cardboard, revealing a big hole in the wall. Harry jumped down from the bunk he was on.

"They never fixed this?" Harry whispered to Sherry as they both crawled through the hole in the wall. 

"Nope, they just put that cardboard up and told any adults that kids had been drawing on the walls." Sherry answered.

The door to the main room was blocked by a cradle that Harry couldn't move without making a lot of noise so they continued down the hallway. The hallway was a dead end with a disused white dresser.

"Look!" Sherry pointed at a window at the top of the wall that led to a kitchenette if Harry remembered correctly. Harry pulled out the drawers of the dresser.

"Climb up. I'll follow you." Harry said.

Sherry climbed up the dresser and from the top she pushed the window open and climbed through. When Harry got to the top of the dresser she was dangling by her fingers from the window. He heard a thump and Sherry called up to him that it was safe. He hoisted himself over the wall and jumped, using his powers to float down to the floor.

"Show off." Sherry muttered with a smile.

They walked through the small maze of abandoned furniture and crawled under a desk and one of the play structures. Sherry led the way out of the door and down the stairs. Sherry beelined for the front door while Harry looked around. He found a journal from one of the kids here and after briefly looking over it he pocketed it. It would make good evidence against Irons after they escape.

"Front door's locked." Sherry sighed.

"I bet he has the key." Harry said, looking at the side door.

He walked to the side door and Sherry trailed close behind him. They walked down the twisting hallway and stopped in front of Irons's office door. It was open and there was classical music playing.

"You can go back." Harry whispered to Sherry.

"And make you face him alone?  No way." Sherry answered.

"I have my abilities." Harry argued.

"And I'm older, you're not going alone."

Harry shrugged and entered the office. There was a long metal table with a dead woman on it. Unlike the rest of the dead in this city the woman showed no sign of decay or movement, if it weren't for the colour of her skin it would look like she was sleeping. In the corner a white curtain sectioned off the the office that music was coming from. After a moment of staring at the curtain Sherry made a break for the key, which was hanging in a box on the wall over a desk. Just as she was reaching for the key the music stopped and there was a scraping as the curtain was yanked aside.

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