The One With The Filler

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Harry tried to convince them to convince them to let him go with Jill to turn the power on but they said no. Now he was sitting in the train station with Carlos who occasionally radioed Jill with instructions or advice.

"Sorry, I know it's boring here but at least it's safe." Carlos said to Harry after a couple minutes of silence.

"It's fine, I'm used to being board. At least the scenery here is different."

"Your parents- sorry - guardians left you alone a lot huh?" Carlos said.

"Guardians?" Harry asked.

"The people that look after you since your parents died." Carlos said. Harry considered it, tilting his head.

"I guess that's Dr. William and Dr. Annette, they're always busy with their experiments. And yeah they leave me alone a lot, Sherry too, but it's alright when we're together."

"You still call them by their titles?" Carlos asked.

"Should I not?" Harry asked, "They never told me not to. Sherry calls them mommy and daddy but they aren't my mom and dad."

"Nevermind," Carlos shook his head, "Why don't you tell me about Sherry?"

"Sure!" Harry clapped his hands. "Sherry is my best friend, she's 12 and she's the kid of Dr. William and Dr. Annette. She worries a lot but she's fun to play with and she's nice."

"Oh yeah? And how old are you?" Carlos asked, reaching out to ruffle Harry's hair. Harry, however, instinctively flinched back from Carlos's outstretched hand.

Carlos freezes 'that's not good' he thought but tried not to show it on his face. He may not be trained in this kind of thing but Harry's reaction was a massive red flag that some kind of abuse was happening. Pair that with the facts that he called his guardians by their titles and said they were away a lot, and it was painting an ugly picture.

Carlos put his hand down.

"Sorry, I should've asked before trying to touch you."

Harry shook his head.

"It's fine."

Carlos looked like he wanted to say something else but Jill's voice came from the radio.

"Carlos, come in. Subway power is up and running."

Carlos got up and walked to a different room than Harry.

"Great job supercop! If you wouldn't mind setting the route at the control station we can get out of here."

"I think I know where that is."

"Always one step ahead I see, go for it supercop." Carlos paused then continued. "The names William or Annette wouldn't happen ring any bells, would they?"

"Prominent Umbrella scientists." Jill answered and Carlos cursed under his breath. "Why?"

Carlos debated about telling her, it certainly wouldn't help her opinion of Umbrella. He sighed and decided she had a right to know.

"Harry, the kid, he said they were his guardians and it looks like him and their other child, Sherry, might have been abused. Or at least neglected."

"Those assholes." Jill said. "We can talk about it more later. Over and out."

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