The One With The Escape

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M-001 (or as he preferred to think of himself: Em) was excited. It was going to be his first time seeing something that wasn't the lab or the hospital or the orphanage. The scientists tried to stop him but all he had to do was wait and the perfect opportunity fell into his lap.

He felt bad that it took Dr. William getting infected with the G-virus and becoming part tyrant, but oh well. Em ran through the halls leading up to the sewers. Some infected rats and toad like things showed him the way out of the sewers. He offered them to come with him but they preferred the water in the sewers so he said goodbye.

When he got to the street it wasn't anything like the view he got from the window of the orphanage. It was dark outside and there were cars sitting abandoned on the road. Em could see the light of fires on the other side road and there were infected everywhere.

As he walked down the street he felt a presence, like when the big guy escaped in the lab a little while ago. Em followed the feeling and walked into the leg of a man wearing a bulky vest.

"Sorry sir!"

The man looked down at Em.

"A kid!? Where are your parents!? We're evacuating people, you can bring them to the train station!"

"I don't have parents, they died." Em answered. The man looked sad, everyone looked sad when Em told them but he didn't remember them and didn't miss them.

"I'm sorry. You can still get out though, just stay with me! I'll take you to the subway."

Em nodded and followed the man down the street. The presence was getting stronger as they walked so Em tugged on the man's pants.

"What is it kid?"

"There's a big guy up ahead, be careful, they're mean."

"Big guy?" Then man didn't seem to believe him but he put a big gun on his shoulder with one hand. At that moment a car drove over the edge of a nearby roof, a woman with brown hair crawled out of the burning wreck. A small distance away a hulking figure in a trench coat with a deformed face gets to it's feet and moves to attack the woman .

"Crap! Kid, get behind me!"

Em tucked himself behind the man's legs as he used both hands to fire a rocket at the creature, then a second one that caused it to stumble. The man threw the big gun aside and ran to the girl to help her up.

"What was that thing!?" She yelled.

"No idea! I'm here to help you though!" He glanced behind him. "Stay close, kid! Let's go!" The man lead them to a lobby and pulled down the shutter, the girl could stand by herself now.

The man lead them further into the station. Em could hear them talking but he was too interested in his surroundings. He had never been to a train station or seen a train before. He had only been outside for a little while and he was already seeing new things.

"What's your name miss?" Em tugged on her jeans pocket to get her attention.

"I'm Jill Valentine, what's your name?"

Em thought for a moment and decided to give her the name he had before the labs and that he used when pretending to be Sherry's brother. According to the scientists it had been his original name anyways.

"I'm Harry. What's his name?" Harry pointed at the man.

"I'm Carlos, sorry for not introducing myself sooner."

"That's ok."

They descended the last staircase Harry perked up and ran ahead.

"So this is a train!" he exclaimed.

Carlos walked behind him and was rummaging through a bag while Jill ruffled Harry's hair and sat down opposite Carlos and another man in a red hat.

"You never saw a train before?" Jill asked.

"I had toy trains but I never saw a real on." Harry told her as he playfully swung off the standing bars. "I haven't seen much of anything other than the orphanage, the lab or the hospital." Harry hopped on the seat next to Jill.

"What lab?" Carlos asked and Harry realized he said too much.

"Nothing. I never mentioned a lab." It was a bad lie but Harry couldn't think of anything better.

No one looked convinced but Harry hunched in on himself and looked away. The grown ups let it go and went back to talking.

M-001 (Resident Evil x Harry Potter)Where stories live. Discover now