The One With Birkin Stage One

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Harry woke to a hand shaking his shoulder. He hadn't even realized he fell asleep.

Claire was kneeling next to the couch Harry was on. Behind her he could see the grate had opened and the floor around it had sunk into a set of stairs.

"That's such a cool secret passageway. I wish Sherry was here or that I could take a picture to show her."

Claire smiled at him.

"This whole building is full of strange secret doors or fancy statues."

She went to wake the man.

"Marvin. Marvin, I opened the way out."

The man shook his head, his eyes still closed.

"It's too late for me. We both know how this ends. Get the kid out, leave me."

"Marvin." Claire knelt beside him.

"Please Claire. For me."


Claire stood up and took Harry's hand. She walked to the stairs before turning back one final time.

"Oh, and Marvin?"

"Yes?" He opened his eyes and turned his head to them.

"Thank you. For everything."

With that Claire led Harry down the stairs and through the barred door. Harry watched in fascination as the steps rose and the entrance closed behind them. He would have mentioned it to Claire but he wasn't that dumb. She was obviously sad.

They found themselves in a fancy room that looked like an elaborate office. There were tables with statuettes against the walls and a big wooden desk with a cushy looking chair behind it. Claire took the red capsules (flame rounds) from a side table and the two of them went through the only other door in the secret room. It led to a service elevator that went down to a staircase. From there the only unlocked door led to what looked like a service tunnel. As the walked down something heave dashed across the ceiling above them.

"What was that?" Claire asked.

"Who's there!? Hello!" She shouted.

Harry shook his head. It sounded like the tyrants but it didn't feel like anything infected with the T-Virus. That left only one possibility; William or something else infected with the G-Virus.

He tugged Claire along by the hand.

"I don't think it's friendly, we should go!" He exclaimed.

She let Harry lead her through the tunnel and to a catwalk overlooking a big room with a lot of heavy equipment in it. Claire hardly had time to goggle at the machinery as Harry kept pulling her along as if running from something.

'Maybe he is.' Claire realized. 'Harry said something big overturned a train he was on and those footsteps sounded heavy.'

She was shaken from her thoughts by Harry stopping and letting go of her hand. The way forward was blocked by a tipped over cabinet. Harry crawled under it while Claire tried (and failed) to lift it. There was another shuffle of movement from further away in the room and a little girl crouched into sight.

The girl looked older than Harry by a couple years and was in a school uniform. Her blonde hair was braided back with a red headband and an expensive looking gold locket hung from her neck.

"Sherry!" Harry exclaimed.

"This is your friend?" Claire asked. "We can help her get out of here."

The girl looked scared and it was like she was staring through Claire without really seeing her.

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