The One With Leon And Ada

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Harry sat on the platform next to the cable car. The car was too claustrophobic and Harry didn't want to be anywhere near the place Annette abandoned Sherry. He idly levitated the t-crank in the air and turned it over and over. Eventually there were footsteps and a familiar voice called out.

"Harry! Is that you!?"

Harry stood up and called the crank into his hands.

"Leon!" He smiled.

Leon was standing in front of him, wearing an RPD uniform that looked pretty dirty. He also had clean bandages wrapped around his shoulder. Harry levitated the crank over to float in front of Leon.

"A present from Claire, she said it would help you get through the sewers." Harry said.

"How are you doing that? Wait. You've seen Claire?" Leon asked.

"I've always had powers, the experiments just enhanced them. And yes, I saw Claire. She had to go ahead to heal my friend Sherry."

Leon nodded and took the crank.

"Let's go then, there's a friend of mine who needs help as well. We can get her and head down to the lab. We were going to the NEST anyways to get a sample of something called the G-virus." Leon said as he led the way through the sewers. Harry levitated himself so he would walk above the dirty water.

"How do you know about the G-virus?" Harry asked.

Before he could answer they arrived at the control room Harry and Claire had been in before. The pit it overlooked should have been empty but instead there was a woman in a red dress. She was laying on the ground and it looked like a piece of garbage had stabbed her through the leg.

"That's her!" Leon exclaimed.

"So Annette treats her daughter the same as someone trying to steal from her." Harry muttered.

"What?" Leon asked but Harry wasn't paying attention to him anymore.

Instead Harry walked over to the fuse boxes in the adjoining room. There was a handwritten diagram of what fuses go where. Harry pulled the knight fuse Claire gave him and put it where it belonged. Leon looked over the diagram and frowned.

"Looks like the king and queen fuses are missing." Leon said.

"Bet Annette scattered them." Harry said.

"I'll get them, you stay here." Leon said.

Harry was going to protest but he decided to leave trudging through the disgusting sewers to Leon. While he was waiting he rearranged the fuses. Eventually flames lit the hallway causing Harry to stand abruptly. Fortunately it wasn't another disaster happening it was just Leon who ran into the room. Leon held up his gun and remarked "I found a flamethrower."

"I can see that." Harry answered. "Did you get the fuses too?"

"Yep." Leon took the fuses out of his pocket and tossed them. Harry levitated them to their places without moving and the door unlocked.

The two of them entered the area outside the big doors. Leon pulled the lever to open the doors and Harry levitated the woman out of the garbage pile. She woke up halfway and started struggling until she caught Harry's eye and he set her down.

"Neat trick." The woman said.

"Thanks, you can thank Annette for it's strength."

"You one of her experiments?" She asked.

"Yes. I'm M-001, but you can call me Harry."

"Ada." The woman replied and gestured to her leg. "Mind pulling this spike out of me?"

"Hold on," Leon protested, "is that safe?"

"I have first aid spray, it'll be fine." Ada answered.

While Leon patched up Ada's leg he asked "What was that comment about Annette's daughter you said earlier?"

"That pit that Ada was in? That's where she dumped Sherry. Sherry is my friend and her daughter. That's why the glass is broken, I flew down to Sherry and held her while we waited for Claire to open the doors."

The three of them made their way to the cable car. This ride was even more tense than the one with Claire and a possibly dying Sherry had been. Ada and Leon argued for a couple minutes but then they kissed and Ada gave Leon the wristband to enter the NEST.

Leon got up when the car stopped and so did Harry.

"Absolutely not." Leon said.

"I'm coming with you." Harry said.

"You're just a kid!"

"A kid with the power to throw storage crates around and order the undead like they're robots. I won't stay here while you walk blindly into a death trap." Harry's glare left no room for arguments.

Leon sighed and helped Ada up.

"I'm a liability." She protested but Leon wasn't having it.

"You're a liability that can walk to a more comfortable and closer spot to rest." Leon said.

The three of them entered the already open doors to NEST and Harry led the way to a side door labeled patient room. Inside was a cosy but messy looking space with a bed in it. Leon set Ada down in an armchair. Meanwhile Harry ran and knee slid to the figure on the bed, it was Sherry! Half of her face was covered with red, irritated, skin that spiralled out from a yellow looking eye. She was shivering despite being half under the covers and wrapped in Claire's oversized red leather jacket.

"What's wrong with her?" Ada asked.

"She's infected with the G-virus." Harry answered. "Claire probably went to get the antidote."

"I'll go find her." Leon said.

"I'll come with." Harry stood up from Sherry's bed.

"Are you sure that's a good idea?" Leon looked at Ada's injury and Sherry's shivering body.

"I can watch out for her." Ada said. "Just 'cause I got injured doesn't mean I'm completely useless. But if you don't get back before she starts attacking me, I will shoot her. Got that?"

Harry nodded solemnly and took Leon by the hand. They left the room and walked to where a bridge led to a central hub. A bridge started extending from the hub to the left (east) area and Claire stepped around the catwalk.

"Claire!" Leon and Harry exclaimed at the same time and jogged the last few paces towards her.

"Harry." Claire smiled. "You found Leon."

"Yep." Harry said shyly. "I did good right?"

"Yes," Claire ruffled Harry's hair, "You did very good."

M-001 (Resident Evil x Harry Potter)Where stories live. Discover now