Chapter 11 End of the line.

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A/n: (yes I'm finally finishing this story sorry it took so long and hey I've been thinking about creating a new call of duty x rwby story let me know if you enjoy the final part and yall)

Y/ns pov

Yang and I rushed twords ruby as she trys to slash at us with her scythe. Yang however catches her blade mid swing before delivering a 2 punch combo to her sister's gut. Sending the demonic monster stumbling back in pain.

Yang: "What have you done to yourself ruby? You turned yourself into a monster. I thought you were better then this!"

Yang yelled as she dodged more attacks from ruby. But as ruby went to slash Yang across the back. I quickly tackled her before jamming my knife deep into her leg causing ruby to let out a small groan of pain. Yang meanwhile made a mad dash for the nukes as she tried to stop them.

Y/n: "Its over ruby! Your not gonna kill anyone else....not now not ever....this is for my father!"

I deliver a hard kick to her gut before following it up by stabbing her in the shoulder. However this would cause ruby to throw me backwards with her new powers.

Y/n: "ngh...."

Yang: "Y/N!!"

Ruby gives yang a demented smirk as she grabs her scythe. She starts to slowly make her way twords me dragging the blade along the ground. Clearly ruby was ready to end my life.

Y/n: "Yang whatever you do stop those nukes! Forget about me! Save the world!"

Yang seemed hesitant but she slowly nods. Before continuing to dismantle the dust nukes timer. Ruby slowly raises her scythe into the air with an evil grin.

Ruby: "Say goodbye mason."

Just then a hellstorm of bullets enter through rubys chest as woods price and the rest of task force 141 enter the building.

Woods: "Not on my watch you fucken she devil!"

Price: "Ghost! Get y/n up I'll handle this bitch myself."

Ghost nods as both him and soap run over helping me to my feet. But right as price was about to start beating into ruby. Woods stops him.

Woods: "No. If anyone's gonna kill's gonna be me. Her mother killed my best friend! She sided with a terrorist. She needs to answer for her crimes."

Price: "I have a solution.....lets kill her together."

And that's exactly what they did. Price and Woods just started to absolutely beat the piss outta ruby. No guns no knives just pure fists. Ruby coughs up blood as woods and price just hit her over and over and over until blood pelted the floor.

Ruby: "Y-you....s-sick f-fucks you took my brother from me!"

Price shuts ruby up by punching her so hard that her jaw finally breaks. Woods then follows it up with a hard kick to her gut causing her to spit up blood.

Woods: "shut the fuck up.....he was never your brother. He was never a rose.....y/n will always be a mason....and there's nothing you can do about it!"

With those words price grabs a metal wire before wrapping it around rubys neck. And with little to not hesitantion he throws her off the side of the buildings....leaving her body hanging there for the world to see....the terrorist was dead.....ruby rose would never torment anyone else ever again.

Y/n: "heh....its about damn time....yang how are the nukes coming along!"

Soap and Ghost ran over to help her finish disabling the nukes. But luckily for them the bombs were disabled. Y/n and his family had done it. They saved the world.....there was just one last loose end.....salem had to die.

Y/n: "Let's end this right here and right now."

My team nodded as I led them into salems throne room. Cinder went for her weapons but Ghost ended that really quickly with 2 shots to the chest ending the fall maiden in seconds.

Salem: "CINDER! you basterds! You disabled my nukes. Killed my right hand woman....and now I'm gonna kill all of you!"

Y/n clearly wasn't listening as he fires 4 shots directly into salems chest....but for some odd reason she didn't heal.

Y/n: "heh that's a new type of bullet that we developed to specifically kill you.....price and I have been working on those for years.....we have been planning this for a long time.....honestly I thought I would have more to say to you.....but right now I can only think of one thing to say to you..."

I point my m27 directly at salems head before speaking.

Y/n: "History is written by the victors....and right now from where I'm won't be remembered...."

With those words I pull the trigger ending salems life right here and right now.....and that was the end. The nukes were stopped salem was dead.....woods puts a hand on my shoulder. I turn to look at him along with yang price Ghost soap Hudson and roach as we all walk away....putting this life behind us. Price pats me on the shoulder as we leave qrow and rubys dead bodys to rot alongside the others. But one thing was was all over.

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